5 reasons to use Periscope in your pet business


pet sitter on periscopePeople love Periscope!

Periscope may be new, but it’s already created a big following. People are loving it! They’re using it for fun and for business. At any time of the day or night you’ll find people talking about what’s going on in their lives, making us laugh, entertaining us with their musical talents, or taking us on tours of their home town or vacation destinations.

Others are using it to market their business. People like Dawn from Halo Dog Training and Dog Guy Josh scope daily with dog training tips and are getting new clients as a result! And many big brands are jumping in like Target, T-Mobile, Nestle, Doritos, and others. And right now, since Periscope is new, there’s an open playing field. This means people who get started now have an advantage on those who drag their feet and jump in later.

5 Reasons to use Periscope to Market your Business

It’s Growing Fast

As of August, 2015 there were 10 million accounts on Periscope, and viewers were watching the equivalent of 40 years’ worth of video every day. And most people are only using it to view broadcasts. A very small minority of early adopters – about one percent – are actually broadcasting.

Business owners from all areas, including the pet industry, are starting to see the benefit of Periscope. They are making connections with pet owners in their local communities and around the globe.

What does this mean for you?
It means you have the opportunity to get in on a hot, new social media platform very early in the game. Business owners who start now and take the initiative to discover creative ways of using Periscope are going to benefit immensely. Imagine being the very first pet sitter, dog groomer, dog trainer, or other pet-related business in your town to make a splash on Periscope! You could very easily become a trendsetter in your niche.

Geo Tagging

Broadcasters have the option of sharing their location. When they do, viewers who open the map will see hotspots that indicate live broadcasts.

What does this mean for you?
Geotagging allows people to find each other, which is huge for business owners and consumers alike.

By viewing local broadcasters, small business owners are able to see what people in their market are interested in and use this information in their marketing efforts. Alternatively, when you share your location, potential clients and customers are able to find you. Enabling geotagging will get more people watching your broadcasts, which has the potential to bring in more business.


You’ve likely heard the saying that people “do business with people they know, like, and trust.” When you do a live streaming broadcast, people get a good idea of who you are. Your viewers hear the tone of your voice, see your facial expressions, and even feel the passion in what you’re talk about. They get a real feel for who you are. This helps build that “know, like, and trust” factor.

What does this mean for you?
Because of the interaction broadcasters can have with their viewers, it makes for a more informal connection and people will see how you interact with others in an unscripted way. Your viewers will get to know you better than ever and may decide, just based on your broadcasts that they want to hire you, buy your products, or work with you in some way.

Video is BIG!

Everybody knows video is a big thing on the Internet. YouTube has been around for years. Facebook is putting more emphasis on videos. Apps like Periscope, Meerkat, Vine, Blab, and others are gaining more and more popularity.

Statistics show that the demand for video is only getting bigger. According to Forrester, mobile video accounted for 55% of mobile traffic in 2014, and estimates are that by 2019 nearly 75% of mobile traffic will be video.

What does this mean for you?
Marketers are moving fast to get up to speed with their video marketing, and you should be too. If you’re not using video marketing now, you may be left in the dust. Whether you have a small service-based company or a brick and mortar business, video marketing will allow you to reach more people. You’ll be able to interact with them in real time, which may very well be when they are ready to buy! And, again, because Periscope is such a new platform, getting started now will put you ahead of your competitors who aren’t there yet.

It’s Inexpensive

Most people already have enough video equipment in their pocket to get started. If you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android device you have almost everything you need to get started. The only thing you’re missing is the Periscope app. And that’s free and can be downloaded in a matter of seconds!

What does this mean for you?

It means you can play right along side the big guys. You don’t have to invest in fancy video production equipment or hire a video professional to get started. If you have a device that the app works on, you have what you need. So download the app and start scoping!

Get started today!
Download my FREE
Periscope Quick Start Guide for the Pet Industry


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1 Comment

  1. Sue

    Wow those are some stats you found. By 2019 nearly 75% of mobile traffic will be video? Makes sense.


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