Your website is your online world headquarters
Even though social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and others are essential tools to marketing your business, your website is still important! I see a number of people getting into...
How to link to your Facebook page on your personal profile
I put together this short tutorial on how to add a link to your Facebook business page to your personal profile. Your business name may show up just below your name on your profile, but rather than...
How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a Business Page
Yes, you read right! Facebook has finally set up a way for people to convert their personal profiles to business pages. First, why convert a profile to a page? Because it's against the Facebook...
How To Show Featured Admins on Facebook Pages
By default, Facebook pages don't show who the admins are. I have long thought it would be great if Facebook allowed page owners to make it easy to show visitors who the admins were. Personally, I...
Reaching Out to People on LinkedIn
If you're using LinkedIn to network and help increase the online visibility for you or your business, that's great! It can be a very good place to find like-minded people, jobs, people who will buy...
5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page
"If you build it, he will come" - that may apply to baseball fields, but with a Facebook page, you'll need to do some things to get people to come visit. Here are a few ideas to get you started....
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