by Therese | Feb 16, 2016 | Live streaming, Periscope, social media
Whether you’re live streaming on Periscope, MeVee, Facebook Live, or another app, live demos are a great way to show your skills or products. However, even though you may know your content backward and forward, if you don’t do a good job of presenting it,...
by Therese | Dec 14, 2015 | Live streaming, Periscope
Whether you’re a regular viewer of Periscope broadcasts, or just go on the app now and then, there are a some things you want to do (or not do!) when you are watching. There are ways to interact with others that will have a broadcaster smiling when they see you...
by Therese | Aug 17, 2015 | Live streaming, Periscope
If you haven’t heard, livestreaming is taking off like never before. Apps like Google Hangouts and Skype have been around for quite a while, but there are a number of new apps that are getting a lot of people very excited. In the past several months new apps...