People who signed up for Google Voice are starting to receive invitations to set up their new accounts. Google Voice allows users to have one phone number that can be re-routed to ring at any number of other phones. There are a number of ways it can be set up. For example, it can be set up so that if certain people call your Google Voice number it will ring your home, office, and cell number. For other people you might set it up so that when they call your Google Voice number it rings only on your home phone, or even so that it goes directly to voicemail. And, since your Google number is permanent, even if you change your numbers all you need to do is re-route your Google number to the new number.

It’s not just forwarding numbers though – Google voice offers other features like voicemail, conference calling, call blocking, outbound calling, and more.

Here’s a short explanation from Google . . .

I signed up, but haven’t received my invitation to set up my account yet.

[Tags]Google Voice, Google[/Tags]

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