Facebook Teleclass

Next Tuesday, September 22 I’ll be doing another teleclass with Kristin Morrison of Six Figure Pet Sitting Academy. This class will be all about Facebook!

If you’re not tapping into the non-stop activity and reaching out to the vast numbers of potential clients on Facebook, you’re missing out on a valuable marketing resource for your business! In this teleclass you’ll learn how to use Facebook to market your business.

Here’s what I’ll be talking about:

  • Why Facebook is an important tool for your business
  • Why you may (or may not) want to grant access to your personal profile to business associates and/or clients
  • How and why to create a fan page for your business
  • Why privacy options on your personal profile are important to your business
  • The difference between a Facebook Group and a Facebook Page
  • Why you want to create a vanity URL for your personal profile and your business page
  • How to find friends and clients on Facebook
  • Using Facebook ads to promote your business
  • How to attract clients and potential customers to your business page
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Facebook Tips and Tools list to get you started after the class
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Time: 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST

How long is this teleclass? 90 minutes (30 minutes will be for Q & A from the audience)

How much: $20 (register by September 15) $30 (register September 16 or later)

This teleclass is being hosted by Kristin Morrision of Six Figure Pet Sitting Academy, and you can register here. As with our other teleclasses, this is open to anyone – you don’t have to be a pet sitter to attend!

I hope you’ll join us!
And, if you weren’t able to make it to our other social media teleclasses, you can purchase and download the classes as well as a tips & tools sheet at my social media website: https://socialmediahound.com/products/
[tags]Facebook for business, Facebook teleclass[/tags]

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