If a former Facebook page admin deletes her profile, what happens to page?


On one of my earlier blog post, Facebook page ownership can now be changed,  someone brought up a good point about Facebook Pages and admins. I started to answer in the thread, but it’s a pretty important question, so I decided just to do a new post about.

Here’s the comment this person had:

The real issue is that the page is still tied to the person’s Facebook account regardless of whether they administer the page or not. Thus, if they delete their Facebook page [profile] for any reason, the page will forever be gone.

I know the short-term answer, but I want to know the long-term answer. So, here’s what I did – step by step:

  • Set up a new profile – aka Jane.
  • Jane logged into her personal profile and set up a Facebook fan page.
  • Jane appointed me as an admin of the page.
  • I logged out of Jane’s profile and logged into my own to be sure I was set as an admin of the new page. I am.
  • I removed Jane as an admin.
  • I logged out of my profile, and logged back in as Jane.
  • I deleted Jane’s account.
  • I logged in again as myself, and the page is still there. I am now the only admin for the page Jane created.

Once a person gives up their admin rights (or has them revoked by another admin), it appears that they have no rights to that page.

However . . .

I need to follow up with this in 15 days and here’s why:

Facebook allows profiles to be deactivated or deleted – and they are two different functions.

Deactivation – This allows you to make your account inactive, which means your stuff is locked away and made secret but you can get it later if you want to. Facebook keeps all of your information in case you decide to reactivate it at a later date.

Deletion – This permanently deletes your account after 14 days. During that initial 14 day period you’re allowed to reactivate your account if you want to (just by logging in), but after that it will be permanently deleted.

So at this point, Jane’s account has been set for deletion and the page she created is now in my possession. What I want to know for sure is if that page will still be mine once her account has been permanently deleted. Or will it be deleted along with her account since she was the original owner? I’m fairly certain it will still be my page since she was removed as an admin, but I’ll check back in another 15 days to find out for sure.

UPDATE: It’s been more than 15 days since I deleted the Jane account and I’m still the admin for the page she turned over to me. So, it looks like if an admin turns over a page, then is deleted, that page will still exist and it will belong to whoever is the current admin

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  1. Aaron

    Hi Therese,

    I ran a successful satire facebook page that had nearly 90,000 followers, but many people did not understand satire and kept reporting my page (this is a common problem, some people just a wired in a way that they do not understand satire, no matter how obvious it is).

    And then, unfortunately, it seems as though some of the facebook moderators and algorithms also did not understand satire…. So they have limited the audience of my page and it is no longer being suggested to people. Most of my 90,000 followers (who understand satire) do not see my posts now. This also affects my other pages as well as it is based on the admin.

    If I add someone I trust to be the admin to my pages and then remove myself it should rectify the problem based on what facebook is saying in the admin panel… (I wish there was just a way to contact facebook and ask them to look closer at the page to fully understand what is going on).

    My question is, if after removing myself from those pages I then delete my profile from Facebook, will my posts on those pages that I made as an admin also be removed?

  2. Jo

    Hi! So I admin a page with several others and this morning the creator woke up to a a request seemingly from me to remove her from the page. However I never and I am sure of this tried to do that. I wouldn’t even know where to start to remove the creator. What does this mean has my profile or the page been compromised ? How could a request from me to remove the creator happen when I didn’t initiate it thank you.

    • Therese

      I’m not sure what happened, but I would have everyone who admins that page change their Facebook passwords. And, be sure you have two factor authentication set up.

  3. T

    I managed a group page as an Admin with another person, the other person then deleted and blocked me from the page is it possible to get access back to that page?

    • Steve

      My newly retired boss was the sole admin of our FB page. The page was linked to her personal FB page & my assistant & I would login under her account, go to shortcuts, go to our page & post with no issues. Well, a few days ago she removed herself from the page & apparently didn’t name another admin (I didn’t think this was even possible?). So, now when we log in the shortcut is gone, & there is no sign of the page anywhere! She says she removed herself because she retired, & that’s obviously understandable, but not sure how she did that without naming an admin to take over? So, I’m desperately seeking some help to get the page back! Any ideas?

    • Sara

      My boss made me create a personal FB account so he could add me as one of several folks who can create posts on our business page. This is a temporary promotion and these duties will only last 4 months. I plan to delete my personal FB account after this time. Will the posts I made as an admin (I don’t know if I’m an admin or editor) then disappear?

      • Therese

        Yes, the posts will be deleted if you delete your account. If you want to be sure the content stays, I’d deactivate rather than delete the account. See this for more info: https://www.facebook.com/help/250563911970368/

  4. Patricia

    I mistakenly removed myself as an admin from my Facebook business and I currently have ad running
    How can I get back my page

    • Therese

      Someone from Facebook will need to help you with this. I’m not sure if you’ll have access to this page, but you can try going to this page to contact them: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/support

      • Gina

        Theresa. Is there anyway you can text me 616-204-4326

        I don’t m own who to reach out to. I have had a business page for 7 years. Facebook as of today disabled my account. With the 90% removal forever. I’m crying. I have other admins on my page but I’m wondering if my private page will forever be deleted once they delete me forever. Please help. I don’t even know how to get back to this site I’m asking you on. Please text or call me if you can 616-204-4326. This is my livelihood I raise my babies on

        Thanks so much 💔

      • Therese

        I’m not sure what you mean by 90% removal forever. But when you say private page, do you mean your personal profile? If so, that being deleted should not affect your page. And since you have other admins on the page, they will be able to manage the page.

        Go here to appeal the deletion of your profile: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/260749603972907


  5. Kennedy Wooten

    Hi! So I am trying to run a page but the two admins left before giving me ownership and are permanently logged out. I need into this page. I have searched everywhere and nothing helps.

  6. pallavi

    My User account is blocked and the business page is active hence I don’t have access of that page. That is why I want to delete that page. How to do it?

  7. Marni D.

    My husband has a FB business page that was administrated from a FB account under the same business name. Facebook has decided to delete that account because of the name, leaving the business page without an admin. He has tried to reclaim this FB account under his real name – including submitting ID proof and ownership to FB (he has no other account with FB), but with no reply from Facebook. It has been 2 years now. Is there any way in which I can reclaim the FB business page or if he creates a new account he can reclaim it? OR even delete it? We don’t want this FB page to just be out there – with his work and not be able to do anything with it.

    • Julia C

      Such a nightmare! I am currently undergoing the same issue. The agency I worked for set up a “dummy” Facebook account for the sole purpose of administering our business page. Last week we lost access to the account, with a notice it will be permanently deleted in 30 days. We are desperately trying to either regain access or assign the page to a different account. Several employees are admins on the page so we can still post to it, but the account is the only thing that will give us access to our business and ad managers. Facebook has been no help at all, you can’t even contact anyone for help. Why they still insist business pages be assigned to accounts is beyond comprehension. No one wants their personal account linked to their work page, and people leave positions all the time. It’s so frustrating.

      • Therese

        It really is frustrating! I wish Facebook would make it easier for businesses to manage their pages. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to have them help you with this. Did you try contacting them through their support page?

  8. Dushyant jha

    My id was disabled by facebook tean. And i was having a page with single admin was that id got disabled.
    But the page is still on
    I just want to close that page how can i

  9. Dushyant jha

    My id was disabled by facebook tean. And i was having a page with single admin was that id got disabled.
    But the page is still on
    I just want to close that page how can i

  10. JOE


    My business had a FB page and an employee was the only admin. That employee has left the company and deleted (not deactivated) her FB account. The page has now been dormant for almost two years and I’m trying to claim it. How can I do this? I’ve tried to report the page with no reply from FB and can’t find any solutions. Help!

    • Julia

      The same thing as happened to us. Were you ever able to figure it out?

    • Jo Dos Santos

      I have the exact same issue! My husband was the sole admin of our business page and i was editor. He deleted his profile not realizing that i as editor cannot republish the page. Its sat there and i can edit it, but not publish it …. what do i do?

  11. Sophia

    Dear friends,

    If one of the administrators deletes his personal account, what happens with his posts on the fan page? Thanks!

  12. Kendra

    Hi! I manage a business page and am currently set as an admin to that page, although I am not the original creator of the business page. The owner and original creator of the business page recently asked if he could delete his personal FB account without having any repercussions to the business page.

    I can’t get a clear answer on this issue. I have read that if he deletes his account and is the owner of the page it will delete it completely. Other things that I have read have said that if there is an admin to the page it won’t impact it. And even other suggestions say that deactivating his account instead of deleteing his personal is the best route.

    I don’t want to suggest something to him and then completely lose their business page. He wants to keep it up and me running it, but I don’t want to be with the new ownership of a business thatb I am freelancing for.

    Any suggestions and clarifications would be wonderful.

    • Therese

      It shouldn’t cause any problems. Since Facebook is being so glitch lately, I would have him deactivate his profile rather than delete, at least for now. Also, be sure there is another admin on the page besides yourself before he deactivates his account.

      I checked with a few other people on this as well. With the way FB is acting lately, I wanted to be sure before answering!

      • Ursa

        Hi Therese,
        Our ex-employee created our company’s Facebook page from her Facebook account. When she left the company she degraded herself to the editor and then left the page. Our founder and CEO is also just an editor selected by that ex-coworker from the very beginning. Now our page doesn’t have an admin, which causes us a lot of problems during our work. Can you please help me solve this problem?

      • Melinda

        Hi there

        I set up a fake Facebook account for a business that needs a page set up.

        It was for a friend who isn’t on Facebook, and I didn’t want my personal Facebook account linked to the page.

        The first name was the first part of the business name, and the last name was the last part of the business name. The fake profile has been suspended by Facebook and is under review for thirty days, but I need to know what is going to happen to the page that is still needed if Facebook permanently cancels the fake profile.

        My personal account is linked as an editor to the page, as is the company employees’ personal profile, so I am hopeful that this will get a positive resolution. However, I don’t know, and it is causing huge stress.

      • Rüya Ogulur

        Hi Therese. We have the similar problem. The owner the page´s account was hacked and facebook disabled our account. As we were using our company´s name on the account, we could not verify our account. Facebook will delete our account 20 days later. We have 4 different admins who manage our page. When our page owners account is deleted, can we still reach the page. I hope you can see my message and give an answers. Thank you in advance.

      • Therese

        If your admins still have access to the page, I believe you should be OK even after the owner’s account is disabled. However, I would have one of the admins message Facebook. Explain what happened and hopefully they’ll respond. I’d start here: https://www.facebook.com/business/help

  13. Nikolai

    I need a help. I post one video with some tiktok videos in it. But one of then had copyrighted (about 10s).
    Because of that the holy video was removed and 2 days after this my personal account was desactivaded. I sent a request submit to try get my account back.

    But, if the account doesnt go back. How do I transfer all my pages to a new owner (or a second account of my?)
    I’ve 3 big pages, Im afraid if I can lose it all because all this pages was created by my personal account.
    Theres anything I can do? Or If the request doesnt go well I will lose it all?

  14. Al

    This page made me laugh quite a lot even though I did not exactly find “my” answer on it. So just a comment: on any technology-driven interesting object (like a… social network maybe) there should ALWAYS be an “ultimalely connaissable rights owner” for any created content (in other words in the context of this article, IF there is a FB page/group/ad/etc, there IS at least an existing FB admin for it); the fact that so many people have these trivial problems here, while Linux, Google, Apple, IANA and many others have long addressed that situation and others of the same kind speaks so loud as to why Facebook is… total amateurish crap 😉

    • Katie

      I need an solution to my problem and I appear to be getting nowhere trying to sort it out with FB and it is driving me mad. I have FB business and I had 2 profiles that I was admin on, I decided to delete my 2nd profile and just keep my original one which is where I created my FB business page, now it seems that I have lost ownership of my FB business page and I am unable to connect it to instagram because I am not the owner, I am not sure how to fix it, I would be grateful for any suggestions please.

  15. Hannah

    I’ve just went into a private group page (that I did not create) and it seems I’m now the admin and it seems the creator no longer used the account. It says that I am the only admin / moderator. I have no idea what’s happened here at all. Am I able to now take over this account?

  16. Carmen


    In desperate need of some help. I’m on the board of a non-profit. A volunteer created a page for us linked to their personal account. Unfortunately, this volunteer has taken several liberties with the page and we are looking to bring control of the page back to the board. How do we go about this? Would we need to create a Facebook profile for our group and then become an admin on our previous page? What happens when the creator is not an admin anymore? Do they have any access? We have a lot of likes, posts and followers and starting over is not an option. We just want control out of the hands of a volunteer who is using their own account and want something accessible by leadership members of our nonprofit. Any insight would be so much appreciated. Thanks!

  17. notds

    I’ve been trying to rage quit my banned facebook for about two months now. I had an artist page I have no access to since I’ve done this before. I tried transferring admin to my alt profiles and friends but as soon as I mark my account for deletion it revokes these invites. Cute tick facebook. So I can’t transfer and quit until i’ve been in fakebook jail for the whole term… real cute.

    • Erin

      Hi, I am an admin with full admin rights on a business page. The previous manager originally set the page up but a falling out has meant she deleted herself from the page but all the log in credentials are incorrect. How can I recover the original credentials so we can reset to the new owner? The log in from our work phone just logs me into that previous managers personal account.

  18. Rely


    Our colleague has created for us a facebook business page. However she doesn’t work for us anymore and we don’t have any login information about this account. She did send me an invitation link to become admin back in mid 2019 and removed her admin rights. Via my email I found the invitation and begin 2021 I tried the confirm her invitation but the link was expired. Now there is an unmanaged facebook business page with old information. I did send facebook via ” give feedback” a message that link is broken and if I still can become admin. I am still waiting for their reply. What do you think is better?

    I read online to create a new business page and report that unmanaged for copyright violence.

    Thank you

    • Therese

      You could wait for Facebook to contact you. But if you don’t have a ton of likes on the old page, I’d probably set up a new one.

  19. Mariano

    Hello Therese, I hope you can resolve a doubt for me. 2 years ago I created a fanpage and I was and have been the only admin ever since. A while ago I created a secondary FB account with a pseudonym and from my “real” account I added my pseudonym account as an editor of the page, so I could post from both accounts. Sadly, Facebook is telling me that they are going to disable my real account permanently in 2 weeks for violating some policies (I don´t know what). I´m really trying to solve that problem, but my question is this: in case my account gets finally disabled, what happens with my fanpage? Can it continue running without an admin? Could I keep posting from my pseudonym account as the only editor?

    • Therese

      They’re most likely saying they’re going to disable your account because you set up the fake account. Your best bet is to appoint another admin – a real person who you trust, and then remove the fake account and delete that one. And to ensure the page isn’t left in limbo, be sure you have at least 2 admins on the page. An editor would be able to post, but would not be able to manage the account.

  20. Yvanne

    Hello everyone! I have an emergency here. My account which was an admin for a business page is out of no reason deactivated by facebook. This page is also linked with my business Instagram account. Fortunately I have got a new facebook account now and rebuild a new page with the same name as my former one. But I cannot link this page to my ins anymore. How can I remove my former page from Instagram, since I am not admin anymore. Could anyone help me? Thank you!

    • mel

      Hi There, I had the same thing happen to me, FB just decided I was under review for being under age – absolutely nothing in my profile or posts suggest that but either way, I can’t access my business pages now – Is it just easier to just start fresh with a new page and new profile?
      Is there any way of deleting my profile whilst I’m under review, and people can still see my business page and the prices are now old and the content will sone be dated.. but I have no way of deleting this either. What a mess. Would LOVE and advise please!!

  21. Am

    Hi there. I am taking over ownership of a business. The previous owner has removed himself as an admin, but has only left me as an editor. So there is no way for anyone to now take control of the group and add a new admin.

    Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks

    • Therese

      You’ll need to contact Facebook to get someone added on as an admin. Unfortunately an editor doesn’t have the permissions to appoint another admin.

      • Ronda

        How does one “contact Facebook”?

      • Sally

        Where do you go to ask Facebook to add an admin if there is only an editor on the page roles?

  22. Terri


    My question is, if I delete an old admin person, who no longer works for me, but she has created a bunch of ads under her own account, will those ads still be available to me on my business settings page? Or do all the ads that she created get deleted along with her?

    • Therese

      If the ads were done on her account, you would not have access to them. If they were done in your ads manager they should still be available if you delete the other admin.

      • Andi

        Hi friends I need help pls.. I had created a facebook page for my buisnes and I addet 4 other admins 3 of them eas my Facebook acounts with other name profiles and one was of my cousin..the problem is that she by mistake or I don’t know what removed me and my other acounts as admin and herself to so the page is with no admins and only moderator that lucky me is my other acount to… Now I want to be admin again I created the page but I don’t know what to do? Pls need help I have 22k fans and I need them for my buisnes

    • Charles

      Hi I have a Facebook page that has an editor the administration account was brought down by Facebook but the page is still there, the editor can continue posting but the question is how can the editor claim ownership and become an administrator or how can the administration right be reclaimed?

  23. Carmine


    I share a face bok page with another Admin and I d like to eliminate it but Face book doe snot allow me to do it. Can you please help me? thanks

    • Therese

      You have to be an admin to delete the page. If you can’t delete the page, you might ask the other admin to do it.

  24. Maria

    Hello there! I’m hoping you can help – I’d like to delete a company Facebook page which has not been active since 2014. Basically, I think an ex employee had admin access to the page but there is really no way of knowing who that person is to ask to gain admin access. Any of the Facebook help articles are not helpful, as they are telling me to click options on the page that are no longer there. If there is a way for me to gain admin access to delete the page, or remove it any other way, I would greatly appreciate it!

    • Kate

      What if the admin’s page is deleted and there are only editors listed. Would the page default to an editor for the admin rights?

      • Therese

        Unfortunately, no. The only way you would be able to get someone set up as admin again is with Facebook’s help.

  25. Thea

    Hi Therese,

    I hope you can help 🙂 I’ve tried searching and getting in contact with someone who can help me delete a page.

    I created a page through my business manager account. Due to som error/bugs with facebook, the page was automaticly published and I had no way of unpublish it cause it was not finished yet. However, I decided to try to delete it from my business manager account to see if that would work, and maybe give me the option to unpublish/delete/deactivate it.
    No luck… What happend was that I now no longer have admin access to this page, I’m set as a editor.

    Do you have any idea on how to fix this? 🙂

  26. Danielle

    Hi! I actually have a few questions I think you can be super helpful with — but only one is critical today: the president of my work asked me to delete his personal Facebook because he never uses it anymore. I clarified that he has the option to deactivate instead of delete, and he confirmed that he wanted it deleted.

    He also has a “page” was I guess verified by a former employee many years ago. I told him we should hang onto this even if we don’t regularly use it, especially because it’s already verified. So I made my personal Facebook account the new editor (I could have sworn I selected admin because I’m not inept, but apparently I selected editor) while logged into his account, then I deleted his account.

    This was ~3 months ago. As I mentioned, this just wasn’t a priority at the time. I check it occasionally, and even posted twice. But for the first time, today, I am on the page and see a banner that says I need to publish the page. Never previously saw that. And the page obviously had previously been published (~600 likes). I click “publish” and it says there’s an error.

    I checked my permissions (I’m the only page role), and see that I’m an editor. Not an admin. I assume this is why I can’t publish. So my questions for you are: 1) do you think that’s the reason I can’t publish? and 2) what can I do since I’m the only page role, an editor, and the previous admin’s account has been deleted.

    Thank you so much!

    • Therese

      You’ll have to be an admin to publish the page. Unfortunately, at this point, you’ll need help from someone at Facebook. You can try writing them and explain what happened. If you’re lucky they’ll answer.

  27. Jessica

    I have a personal Facebook profile. I helped a friend opened a business page but did it through my personal account. After sometime I made her the admin to that page and deleted myself totally from that business pages. I also removed it from my page.
    Its a two part problem/question.
    One: Does she have access to my personal page?
    Two: My messenger and friend request button are greyed out and I can not add them back to my personal page. From some research I am seeing it may be because of the business page (that FB didn’t like that)? I have updated all my setting so to allow messaging and friend requests and contacted Facebook with no reply, I am stumped. HELP!

    • Therese

      One: No, she doesn’t have access to your personal page.
      Two: That’s odd. Have you asked someone else to look at your profile to see if they can see the messenger & friend request buttons?

  28. Chris

    My facebook was recently hacked, the hacker added himself as a friend to my list and appointed himself as the admin of my page and deleted me and my co-workers as admins. Either way non of us can access the page which still exists but I cannot claim it either, I have tried reporting this to fb with all proof that the page is mine but there is no positive response. The hacker has used my card to pay for his page ad campaigns so i had to block my card, now everytime his ad is disabled, he tries to hack into my account.

    How can i get my page back?

  29. Maria Polinsky

    I have a personal profile and a business profile. (Yes, I know that is not cool by Facebook’s standards but it was created before Business Manager was a thing.) When we first got Business Manager a couple years ago, I thought I had disconnected my personal profile since I have this second profile AND I have Business Manager. However, when I log into my personal profile, I still have admin privileges on this page. In BM, my personal profile is not an admin…not by profile or by personal email address. I have no idea how to disconnect my personal profile. I have two additional BM admins that I just signed up by email address so that we have that backup.

    • Ronda

      You have to remove the page from your business manager account not your profile from the page:

      Log into business.facebook.com as your personal FB account.

      You should see the business page.

      On the left, there should be a line that says pages with a number next to it. When you click the arrow, it should show the page there.

      On the right of the same page there is a blue “Business Settings” button. Click that.

      Select Accounts from the list on the left. Under Accounts it lists Pages. Select that.

      Hopefully now on the right is the page. Please select remove. That will disconnect the page from your business. You’ll get a pop up that you have to confirm.

      Good luck.

  30. Michael Mathäß

    Hi Therese, I have several pages. I am the sole admin (3 editors) for a FB community blog which I set up in 2012. Last year I set up a page for a festival. I am also the only admin for this new page. I ran some paid FB advertising to promote out community festival. Now I see that this festival page has claimed “ownership” of my Blog. Can I change this? My name as admin has change??? I am Michael Mike Mathäß in FB , Now it is changed to Michael Mathäß on both pages, and does not line back to me. I still have full access and admin privileges to both pages. What can be going on. Thanks for your help – Mike 🙂

    • Therese

      Oh boy, that’s a new one! I wish I could tell you what to do but I’m at a loss on this one. Facebook has made so many changes lately – and had tons of strange glitchy things going on. I wonder if this is one of them. The only other thing I can think of is that, if you’re using the Business Manager, the ownership may have changed. But even then, you would have had to set that up yourself.

      • Yusupha jawla

        Hello Therese how are you? I have a question I have a Facebook account and today Facebook send me an email that they will disabled my account in 30 days and will be permanently if i do not submit my Id for review because I was not following the community guidelines. I tried but I could not login. My question is will I lose my page when they disabled my Facebook account? But I put 3 people as admin in my Facebook account. Will they also lose the page after Facebook closed my Facebook account permanent?

    • Charles

      Yes, you can change it back, go to your Facebook profile click the 3 lines At the top right side you will see your pages click on the one you want to change the name or edit then select the settings option still at the top right hand then you will see page info click on it you will see name and others you can click on it then type the new one you want the you will scroll down to click save below and the new changes will appear

    • Ronda

      The festival claimed the page because you may have been using their name without permission and especially if you were sending out ads. That is misleading and they could have sued you so be happy they just took over your page.

  31. Dave Long

    I set up a business Facebook Page for a small band, and named one of the band members as the adminisrator. I kept my name on it as editor. Unfortunatey, the person who was named the administrator was not too computer literate, and he lost the email address and password I gave him for the administrator position. So now we have a Facebook page with me as the editor, and no way of getting the administrator position back. I’ve tried several things, but nothing has worked. What I am trying to do is to recover the administrator email address and password so that I can assign myself as administrator instead of editor, and possibly name some other band member also as an administrator. Is there any way I can recover that information?

    • Therese

      Hi Dave, unfortunately there’s not much you can do without that email address. You said you gave him the address – is there any way you can set that same email address up again? Then he may be able to reset his Facebook password, login, and make you an admin.

      • Joe

        Hi does anyone no if I can recover my business page if Facebook have deleted my personal page. My business page is still up when I use a friends phone to search. I have had to make a new Facebook personal profile after no luck with retrieval of previous. So now I have a new personal page am I able to claim back my business page. It’s my life’s work on there so I hope someone can help me.

      • Jo


        I was the FB admin for a page. I had resigned and remove myself as an admin. The only admin said the she’s not the admin. So how do o settle the problem

  32. Robert

    Hi Theresa,

    The page that I administer was originally created by my friend. He is no longer on this page as an admin and I am the only admin left. First, this page still has a page owner associated with it which was created by the original creator of the page I now admin. As the only admin left I see that I have the option to disconnect the page I admin from the page owners business page and if I do so, will I lose control of the page I am administering?

    • Ronda

      No. You WANT to do that because otherwise your friend still has access and could delete the page.

  33. delia smart


    We have a Facebook school district page and created a Facebook group page tied to the school district page. We unpublished the Facebook page but noticed the FB group page had not posts after that. How can we unpublished the regular FB page and keep the group page active?

    • Therese

      Is the group still published? And is it public or private?

  34. Alex Went

    Hi there; I wonder if you can help. Ten years ago we had a business page with two admins. One of the admins recently deleted themselves from the account, thinking it would be OK becasue there was still another admin. But the second admin was linked to an email address that no longer exists. We now only have an Editor with access to the page, along with the ‘ghost’ admin. No-one can therefore assign new roles. We do not want to have to start a new page, as the business has started up again and we would like to make use of the fact there are 6000+ ‘fans’ of the page. Can anyone suggest a solution?

    • Adam D.

      Hello Alex, just checking to see if you ever found a solution to this issue. We are having almost the identical issue now. Thanks!

  35. Sandra Romanik

    I am using my husbands facebook page which he does not use anymore . I would like to be the primary or administrator of this page. I cannot remove his email address from the page and he gets emails from people from my facebook friends. I would like to stop him from getting these emails. Please advise.

  36. Scammed

    Hello hope you can solve this mystery. I was added as an admin on a Facebook Page. The original admin left the page and I see it clearly I was the only admin on the page. But after a couple of minutes he was able to remove me as an admin. I tried to test what he did but I failed, I tried to deactivate and delete my account but it will just gray out the name as an admin and still visible but this person was able to exit as an admin but a couple of minutes he was able to regain the ownership. Any thoughts? He do this on scamming people since he sell the fb page for a lower price then later on he can get back the page.

    • Therese

      That’s a new one. I’ve not heard of this happening to anyone. I know Facebook has been very glitchy lately, so I wonder if it was a problem on their end. Have you tried contacting the person? I’d give him the benefit of the doubt and ask if he can add you again. If he can’t or won’t, the only thing I can think to do is to try contacting Facebook.

  37. Mimi L

    Hi there! im also the sole admin in my page there is no other admin , and i removed myself from admin, and the page has no admin. If i delete my account does the page will be gone too? Because i created a new one that i prefer.
    Please help!

  38. Rich Stevens

    Hi Therese, I’m hoping you can help. I am an editor on our company Facebook page. It was created by a previous employee and she was the only Admin on the page. We are now trying to deactivate the page and are not having any success. We have reached out to her multiple times with no success. Any ideas you have would be great.

    • Therese

      Unfortunately, since she was the only admin, the only thing you can do is contact Facebook. And, I imagine you would have to be able to show some proof that the page belongs to your company.

    • Bianca

      Hello. Thank you for the post above. I am writing because my boss created a personal account and with that same account she created her business account. So she became an admin to her business account. She decided to permanently delete her personal account and she thought the business would delete as well and it hasn’t. Now she can’t log in into her business account because it was linked to her personal account, that no longer exists. Her business account is still open and running normally. Any tips?

      • Therese

        You have to delete a personal profile and a page separately. I would ask your boss to try logging into her personal account again. Depending on how long ago she deleted it, she may still be able to login. If so, she should be able to go to the page and delete it. If she’s not able to login to her account again, she’ll have to contact Facebook.

  39. Melisa

    Hi, Therese, I hope you can help me solve this dilemma.
    I am a moderator of a very large fb group, and my friend is the admin and the original creator of that group.Due to some private reasons, my friend is permanently leaving the group. And, because she does not want her name to be associated with that group as the Creator, she wants to delete it, along with her profile, making sure that she is not connected.
    We are both sorry to lose this great group (of 65K+), and she is perfectly willing to transfer it to me, but under one condition…
    She wants to be sure that once she transferred the group over to me and she leaves it, she will no longer be marked (recorded anywhere) as the creator, and that I would be the new creator instead (not just new admin)
    We searched and searched, there are many articles that cite this: * “The person who creates a group is marked as creator and Admin. The position of creator only lasts as long as they remain in the group.” as coming from Facebook, but we couldn’t find anything on FB that gives the straight answer.
    Therese, we would be so grateful if you could clarify this, please.
    Thankful in advance.

    • Therese

      Hi Melisa, I don’t think her name will be anywhere on the group if she’s no longer an admin, and is not in the group. But, I’m not 100% certain on this as I’ve never had it be an issue. Let’s do a test and find out for sure – I’ll email you privately.

  40. Kat

    Hello! Thanks so much for this post. I have a question that I haven’t been able to discover an answer to through searching and you seem like the kind of woman who might know!

    I’m an admin on my boss’s Facebook page. He recently fired one of the other admins and when he tries to remove her it says it will delete all her future posts, ones he actually wants to keep. Is there any way around this?

    • Therese

      If it says it will delete all future posts, I’m thinking that would include any posts she has scheduled. It shouldn’t delete ones that she already posted. If she does have one scheduled you can copy it and have another admin post it.

      And (in case you don’t already) please be sure you always have more than one admin on the page 🙂

  41. Nana

    Question: If I switch my personal FB profile to business page can I still manage my other two pages and 1 group associated with my personal profile?

  42. Leah

    Hi there, I happened to be searching on Facebook help and saw you have the same experience I have just experienced. My radio station gave rep access to do a Facebook live with their artist. Everything went well then we removed the rep after the Facebook live event and now noticed the Facebook live video is gone – disappeared – deleted. I still have the link to the video that was the Facebook Live performance but when I click on it – I get a message saying it doesn’t exist. Do you know if there is anyone on Facebook I can contact and see if they can retrieve the video with my link? Thank you in advance.

  43. Howie

    I posted a video that I didn’t realize wasn’t in public domain (since I saw it posted on other platforms by various people) and Facebook suspended my for three days on April 12. By doing that, it removed me as administrator on eight pages I manage for my self and clients. My personal page has been restored but not on the business pages.

    None of the pages have an administrator so we can’t post content or, of course, add an administrator. I spent 3 hours and 15 minutes in a chat with FB tech support and they couldn’t add me back saying “only an administrator” can add me. We were going in circles so we ended the chat with no resolution.

    I learned a lesson and created a new personal page to add as administrator for any future problems, but that doesn’t help me now.

    Any help?

    • Therese

      Unfortunately, if Facebook can’t (won’t) help, there’s nothing I can do. I would have thought they would add you back as an admin! I would definitely try again though. Maybe another support person can help.

    • sonbir

      please help me.
      I created a Facebook page in 2017 and added two of my friends as admin and connected the page business manager but business manager admin was only me and in 2018 my facebook account get blocked by facebook due to copyright work and i tried to contact facebook but got reply that account can’t active again now the problem is i my friends has the admin access but not Full access to edit payout details and in page roll business which i created and give the access to my page still shows as page owner with full access and my friends can’t remove business owner and my account got block as you know now i want to get full access to my page and want to remove business owner. hope you got it my problem

  44. Someone

    I’d like to deactivate my Facebook profile for a few months.

    What will happen to the (two) pages I’m an admin of?
    Will they disappear along with my profile? Will I still be the admin when I return?
    Or should I give them to someone else to manage?

    Sorry for all the questions, thanks in advance!

    • Therese

      The pages won’t disappear. However, you WILL want to make someone else an admin. And be sure to make them an admin, not an editor, moderator, etc.

      • Someone

        Got it. Thank you so much!

      • Therese

        You’re welcome. Glad I could help!

  45. Sunday Daniel

    Please help, I created a Facebook profile, after some years I created a Facebook fan page. I was the admin and made my wife moderator. Last year I permanently deleted my profile without making my wife an admin of the page. Now I need the page, but my wife as a moderator is limited to the features of an admin. How can I retrieve the account back or make her admin

      • Lucia

        Hello, I am a former admin of a page and as well was trying to be more effective with business fb manager. Somehow I deleted me from the page as admin so I cannot admin the page. The owner of business is a redactor. Any suggestions in here please? I really dont know how it happened.

  46. Sarah

    Hi, I set up a business page on FB which was connected to my personal account. But I removed myself as an admin… We have two other admins on that page, but I wonder if my personal page (and my personal password) will still be connected to the business page? Or can the existing two admins use the page without using my personal password?

    • Therese

      If they’re admins they can do whatever they want with the page. They’ll just login to their own profile to manage it. They don’t need yours.

  47. murat

    Hi Therese

    my personel fb account have been disabled for 3 months. I had a page connected with the account. when fb deleted my account I received a mail says my page was unpublished asap. The page just has editors.
    – is there any way to republish the page?
    – any chance for turn the editor role to admin role?

    thanks in advance.

    • Therese

      Unfortunately, without an admin there’s not much you can do. I’d try contacting Facebook, although they may or may not answer.

  48. Navia Lx

    Hello everyone, I need some serous help here.
    My Facebook fan page get disappeared, I mean gone, I can’t find it anywhere and my friends too can’t find it anywhere its gone.
    I received email Facebook says:
    Hi Navia Lx,

    Facebook recognizes your page is being compromised and has actions and posts that violate Facebook’s user policy.

    We will revoke your page to check and remove malware! If your page is clean and non-infringing, we will return it to you, if you think we have disabled it by mistake please let us know.

    Thank you
    Facebook Team

    Facebook Community Operations
    Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Then I wrote my reasons.
    After Some minutes another Email says:
    Hi Navia Lx,

    We understand the problems you are having. We will notify you when everything is done. Please wait, the verification process may be completed in 7 – 15 days, except Sundays and holidays.

    Thank you,
    Facebook Team

    Facebook Community Operations
    Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, 1 Facebook Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Now 5days going nothing happen…

    If anyone have any idea that can help me get my page back within that 7-15days
    I will be so glad because that page is my life🙏🙏
    Now I can’t find it anywhere

    • Therese

      Did that correspondence take place in your Facebook support page or through an email?

  49. Denise Christian

    Thank for sharing your knowledge. I have a further question, we have a business page and there was one admin and one editor. The admin deleted his personal account and the editor can not add another admin. Is this possible in any way?

    • Therese

      Sadly not without Facebook’s help. Can you have the former admin try to login to his personal account to see if he’s still an admin? FB normally doesn’t totally delete a profile right away.

      • Shaina

        I have a similar issue and have attempted to reach FB without success. We have a very large reach with out page. A new problem is now happening where we are seeing no growth in actual FB page but seeing tremendous growth in our views and email sign up. It doesn’t make sense. Our web developer who “liked” the page now can’t even find it our access it. She lives in Canada.

        I’m at a loss on what to do or how to actually get a hold of anybody at FB.

        Do you have any thoughts?

  50. Cassie

    Heya Therese,

    I’ve opened a business page on my Facebook and now I’ve come to the point I wanted to delete my personal page.

    I’ve set up a fake personal profile & switched admins as you said, I’m worried now I’ve deleted it it will delete the page after 30 days.

    Am I right in thinking asking as there is an admin the page with still run?

  51. an

    May I ask if the scenario was the fb page was blocked, what will happen to the fb admin? is it also going to block or it is not connected? thank you

    • Therese

      Are you talking about Facebook disabling a page? If so, that shouldn’t affect the admin.

  52. Wasan

    My Facebook account been hacked and deleted its been a month but my page is still there and I don’t know how to get back on that page !! While i was the only admin and My account is gone now !! Is there is any chance that i can get may page back on another account!!

    • Therese

      This is something you’d have to contact Facebook about. I imagine you’d need to create a new account and then send them some sort of proof that you owned the page.

  53. nisa

    Thank you for this post. I want to ask something.

    I have an admin in my facebook page who want to permanently delete her personal facebook account. What will happen to the posts she made on the page? Will it be gone, too? Thank you!

    • Therese

      Her posts will stay there. Before she deletes her profile though, make sure you’re an admin. Without any admins you’ll lose access to the page.

      • Jac

        Hi Therese.

        Thanks for the article.
        I am the editor of a page and have made lots of posts on a Business Page administrated by a friend.

        Now I wish to delete my personal Facebook page. Will deleting my personal Facebook page also delete all the posts I made as editor of a Business page?
        I don’t want my friend to lose my old posts, but I don’t want my Facebook account anymore.

        Kind regards

      • Therese

        Hi Jac, yes. If you delete your Facebook profile all of your activity on Facebook will be deleted, too. If you want the posts to remain, you can temporarily deactivate the account.

        This should be helpful:

  54. Mary

    Hi Therese,

    This article and the comments have been super helpful. The original article was actually all I could find on that specific scenario, which is exactly what I’d like to accomplish!

    I just would like to know, if the same is still true to your knowledge? Original post was from 10 years ago but I’m hoping the original “Jane” scenario would still work. Thanks!

    • Therese

      Yes, unless Facebook has changed it recently, it still works the same way. If you have more than one admin, and delete one, the other one will still have access to the page. I’ve had several people contact me over the past few months saying they created a page, but another admin deleted them (the person who created the page) and took over the page.

  55. Ramsey

    Please what do i do if i have a page and the admin facebook account is deleted but we have editor on the page? how do i claim admin to another different person. thanks

    • Therese

      You’ll need to contact Facebook.

      • Niki

        How do you contact Facebook to ask them how to become admin on my business account? FB deleted my personal profile, which was obviously hacked. I can’t access my business account now and we only have an editor?

  56. chip


    • Therese

      Happy to help!

  57. Chip

    There are far too many comments on this page to read all of them, and it’s possible this question has been answered somewhere in all those comments.

    I have a personal profile in Facebook, and from that I created a Page for people who are learning English as a second language. And it’s doing well.

    My personal profile is no longer used for anything, and I have spend months reviewing and deleting anything and everything associated with it.

    If I delete my profile what will happen to my Page? I’m afraid it will also go away because I am the only admin, is that correct?

    • Therese

      Hi Chip, you’re right. Lots of comments. : )

      The answer to your question is that if you are the only admin on the page, you will lose access to your page if you delete your profile. If you’re not interested in using your personal profile to connect with people, just change the privacy settings. Otherwise, if you’re really set on deleting your profile, make someone else an admin first.

  58. IBRAHIM Awwab

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    I created a fb page and gave admin to two other people in good faith. They then demoted me to analyst and I’m not able to do anything. Do I have anyway to delete the page or remove them from admin since it’s my page I created? This is so frustrating
    So I lose my admin Role!

    • Therese

      You’ll need to contact Facebook to help you. Without being an admin, there’s no way you can delete the page or the other person.

  59. Emma Kelly

    hello, my account got deleted by facebook for an unknown reason and i was the only person who had access to my page, how can i now give access to another profile despite the fact i can’t get into my own page?

    • Therese

      Hi Emma, without another admin on the page, the only thing you can do is to contact Facebook.

  60. Ane Fariz

    Hai Therese, i’d like to ask you something. Hope you can help me.
    My personal account is as an editor for our fanpage business. But the admin facebook personal account was deactived. So, how to make may personal account change from editor becomes an admin?
    Thank you for your answer.

  61. Mk

    Love the blog! Question, I created a facebook page for my business that was attached to my Instagram account with the same name. I accidentally deleted myself as admin on Facebook. I can’t seem to get in contact with Facebook, since I can only find a link to provide feedback. I can’t connect my Instagram again or make a new one with since it won’t let me have the same name on Facebook. What options do I have? Thank you!

  62. Eric

    I created a Facebook page and added two friends as editors. I deleted my account, and the page remains active with only the two editors.

    I have since created a new account, but neither editor can re-add me to the page. What can I do to regain admin access to it?

    • Therese

      Since you don’t have an admin on the page, there’s no way anybody can make you an admin. You’ll need to contact Facebook for that. They’re the only ones who can fix it for you, unfortunately.

      • Eric

        Thanks for the reply. Do you have any idea how to go about contacting Facebook? They seem to have done everything they can to circumvent direct support requests; there don’t seem to be any ways to open tickets anymore.

  63. Amanda

    If I am not the sole administrator of a page and I deactivate, will the content I posted on the page stay visible? I’ve run a school page for five years and I’m no longer in that position. Is the content I’ve posted safe so long as there’s another admin?

    • Therese

      Yes, if you remove yourself as an admin, your posts will stay there. Just be sure there’s another admin, but it sounds like you already have one 🙂

  64. Jody

    Hi Jane, I have had a personal page and a business page for years. All of the sudden, I can’t access my business page to post anything. I didn’t change anything before this happened. No one else is posting on my bz page, but neither can I! How can I get it back, do you have any idea? I’ve tried to contact FB on numerous occasions with nothing, nada for a response.

    • Therese

      I just took a look at your page and I see you got it back somehow. That’s great!

    • Aubrey

      I am one of two admin on a business page. It is linked to my personal FB account and the other admin FB account. I am no longer with the company and want to remove this from my personal account. If I delete business page will it delete from my account and theirs or just mine.I just don’t want to see or have this connected with my account. I don’t want to delete admin privileges if it will only lock me out. Will this remove or unlink from my personal account?

  65. Uh ohh

    Sorry, I already posted this earlier but it was a reply, I meant to publish as new comment:

    I have a similar question, the difference is I didn’t delete my profile.

    My former friend added me as admin of her page. Then something happened between us and we’ll we are no longer friends. I later went to the page settings and my intention is to remove myself as admin (or any role for that matter).

    This thing is I couldn’t find the “Role” settings and then I saw Delete page. I pressed that but I read so fast, I didn’t pay attention what it does exactly and I understood it would just delete me as admin as in disassociate my profile to that page.

    Later, I decided to check again and I finally saw the Role settings. So I got it remove….but I forgot to undo the delete page! Yes,. I know, silly me! So my question is if I pressed delete page and then remove myself completely from that page, via Role settings, is the Page still scheduled to be deleted?

  66. Curious Cat

    If I was removed as an admin and I were to delete my account will the content I previously posted on the page be deleted aswell?

  67. Ashlyn

    I have several pages that I am the admin for and I removed an editor due to a conflict of interest. Since that person was removed, I thought the system would automatically remove her name from previous posts she had published on the pages however, it has not. How can I change who published previous posts?

  68. Duyen Nguyen

    Hi there. I’m the only admin of my own page and assign a friend as editor. Now my account is disable by Facebook and the page is left with only the editor. How can I retrieve my admin role? I submitted a form to Facebook but got no answer.

    I assigned other accounts of mine as admin and editor too then removed them from the page or withdraw from the assigned role. Are there any ways to get back the roles?

  69. Mitch Dimaano

    I have page on facebook. My friend and I are the admins of this page. I remove myself as an admin then later on my friend add me again as an admin. While editing the page I change my role as an admin to editor then I remove myself on a page role so my friend is the only admin on that page. When my friend add me again as an admin and click Accept I still dont have access on that page and when she check it on the settings page role it is still pending but I already tap Accept for several times. I dont know what happen. Hopefully someone could help me resolve this issue.

  70. Shiela

    Hello Therese, here’s my problem. I’m an admin of a fb page but the previous owner deleted his account and we can’t remove him as an “owner”. Do you have any idea how to solve this?

  71. Lorrie

    Hi Therese,
    We had a previous owner of our company set up our business Facebook page. He has been bought out and he made me the new admin. He has recently notified us that he no longer wants any affiliation with the page and claims he cannot fully remove himself because he created the page. He has let us know he will be deleting the page in 30 days, but we do not want the page deleted. Is he correct and is there anything we can do? Thanks for any help you can give.

    • Therese

      Hi Lorrie, if you are an admin, you can remove any other admins from the page.

  72. Natasha Aybar

    Hello. I have an issue. I started a business page and so naturally I was the first admin. I then added my husband/business partner as an admin as well. I didn’t know what the difference between admin and editor was and so when I clicked editor, I seemed locked out of making myself an editor. I decided to deleted my status and re-enter and was told the current admin can add me. My husband has been trying to re-add me using my email that is associated with facebook but an error sign (exclamation mark in red) keeps popping up. Is there a possibility that facebook will keep me locked out for a certain amount of days? I’m frustrated because I will be the primary person to market and I created this page. Does this issue sound familiar? What should I do? Thank you for reading.

    • Therese

      I’ve heard of this happening before, and from what I’ve experienced, it may take a while to be able to add you as an admin again. Has your husband tried adding you with the name on your personal profile? In order for that to work, you will have had to like the page first. You probably already did that, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t like their own business page.

  73. Stephe

    i am needing help, i added my myself to my wife’s Page as an admin. then i removed her, but i need to add her back.

    the issue is it wont let me there is just a little red triangle and the Add button is greyed out

    so i thought i would try adder her via te facebook app. this time it added her, she accepted, but is just keeps saying pending

    • Therese

      You may have to just wait a while for it to resolve. I know of at least one other person who had someone in pending mode for a couple weeks. I’m not entirely sure, but if you removed her and added her back right away, that may be why.

  74. Ericka

    How can i change my role to admin from editor if the admin’s profile is deleted? It was a page created by my former assistant for my business but she recently deleted her page.

  75. Nex

    Hi Therese,

    After hours of searching, I’m glad that I have found your blog. Thanks for the effort you put into writing the article and answering readers’ questions.

    Here is my story.

    A few weeks ago, my page disappeared without a reason. Just like that. No warning, nothing. Fans couldn’t access to our page, just like all of the three admins.
    Each of the three admins used the “Report a problem” from the “?” help icon on the top corner of our Facebook profile to report the problem.
    No sign of Facebook for two days. We lost hope, and we started making phone calls our fans (who are also our clients) to let them know that our page got hacked (that’s what we thought happen at that time). On the third day, our page just reappeared and we have access to our page again. Thing is back to normal since then.

    Quite frustrating for us to not know about what happened. As a matter of fact, we still haven’t heard back from Facebook.

    The page owner is no longer the admin of our page, we removed him as we are cautious about using “fake” account as admin. Nonetheless, in the “Page Role” section, there is now “Page Owner” and under it, the name of the creator account. None of the accounts (page owner or admins) has been disabled or deleted, they are all intact even during the disappearance period of our page.
    We have another page, the same owner, the same admins, but there is no “Page Owner” in the “Page Role” section. Do you have any explanation to this?

    Another question regarding your test back in 2010. Deleting page owner/creator won’t delete the page as long as there is one admin who manages the page, is it still valid in 2018?
    I am wondering if you or any reader have made a new test recently.

    Happy holidays.

    • Therese

      Hi Nex, it doesn’t surprise me to hear that your page disappeared with no reason. I’ve heard of that happening to others.

      But, regarding the “page owner” role, that’s something I’ve not heard about. That may be something they’re slowly rolling out. If that’s the case, I’d be reluctant to delete a page owner/creator until FB lets us know what they’re doing. I just looked at the pages I’m an admin on and none of them have a “Page Owner” role.

      I’m going to check with a group I’m a member of to see if anyone knows about the Page Owner role.

      • Nex

        I really appreciate your prompt feedback.

        We’ll keep the owner account alive even it is a fake account. All of the three admins use real name on our respective Facebook profile. I changed it after reading your comment here ?.

      • Therese

        I’m glad you came to my blog and posted your question! Having a page owner role is something people have been wanting forever! I’m hoping it’s finally happening.

        Have you logged into the owner account to see if you can transfer ownership?

        I just did a post in the group I mentioned, and am hoping to get an answer. I’ll post here if I do.

      • Nex

        I’ll do that. I’ll keep you posted too.

      • Nex

        So I have tried to give admins privileges to all the profiles I thought to be the creator of the page. One by one I logged in and went to page role tab. The page owner is there and I couldn’t do anything about it. And there is no option to change or transfer ownership of the page.
        It’s so weird. It’s so frustrating, I’m just afraid that one day the page is gone because the owner account that I don’t know who got deleted or deactivated.

      • Therese

        I’m finally seeing the ‘Page Owner’ icon on some of the pages I’m an admin for. I’m still trying to figure out what it’s all about. I have somebody else on it, too.

      • Nex

        Thanks Therese for keeping me posted.
        Happy new year!

      • Nex

        Hello Therese,

        Any news regarding the new “Page Owner” role?

      • Therese

        Not yet. People seem to be stumped on this one. I reached out to someone else who may be able to help. I hope to hear soon as she’s usually good about answering.

      • Nex

        Thanks Therese,

        Please keep us posted.

      • Therese

        I haven’t found anybody that knows what it is. I’m wondering if it’s something they’re working on but just haven’t activated yet.

  76. Kumara Sampath


    I have created a new facebook account and the page. Then I named one of my friends as Admin and another as Editor. Later page created account has disabled by Facebook security and couldn’t recover until today (tried with every option).

    After all, happened, I asked my friend(who has admin role) to grant page admin role to my personal facebook account and he added admin role. I got that invitation but when I accept it nothing happened, it appears again and again when refreshing the notification page. Also when seeing the page settings from my friend’s account, it shows as pending.

    We tried with several other Facebook accounts, but the result was same. I want to add an admin role to my personal account, so pls help me.


    • Therese

      This seems to be a Facebook glitch. I’ve heard of this happening to one other person. It took a while for the person to be granted admin rights, but eventually they were. They just waited it out. I’m not sure if it’ll help at all but you might try logging out of all devices, clear your cache and then login again.

      • Kumara Sampath


        I tried with your suggestion, but no luck yet.

        Thank You

      • Therese

        Ahhh, darn. I wish I had a solution for you. Your and your friend could try contacting Facebook but who knows if they’ll respond.

      • Kumara Sampath


        I appealed to facebook and now it works for me.


      • Therese

        Wow, that was fast!! I’m glad they responded so quickly.

  77. Jen M

    Hi there Therese,

    Will the other admin get notified after I delete them? Also, I’m confused as to why someone I added could delete me from admin when I started the page from my profile. Do you know why that’s allowed?

  78. Colleen

    I made my personal account an admin of the page and attached group, and now have complete visibility again! How odd!
    But I did see that the age restrictions are on the setting you suggested, so I am not sure if maybe there is a glitch there?

    Otherwise, I am just happy I can work on it again (just not from the profile “Colleen Megan” still…)! Thank you!

    • Therese

      You’re welcome. I’m happy to hear it worked! Thanks for coming back and letting us know. I’m not sure what you did for the age restriction setting, but it’s not there now. One way to check on this is to go to your page when you’re NOT logged into Facebook. If it tells you that you need to sign in to view the page, there’s an age restriction. I’m not seeing that now.

  79. Colleen

    Hi Therese!
    I recently decided to set up my social media for my business back in June before I opened this fall. Using my business email, I created a new profile using my first and middle names, and I set up the page successfully getting my business name as my username. I left it unpublished until I got my logo made and was ready to open.
    I am now coming close to opening, and I can no longer access my page via my laptop. I have some very limited access via mobile app, though. (Like today I could change my picture on the business page and add a “coming soon” post via mobile app, and even somehow published the page, but I can’t view it). My friends can see it, but I can’t!!! I was never notified of any issues, and am not sure why I can no longer view my own page. When I am on the dashboard on the laptop I see the banner with “PAGE INBOX NOTIFICATIONS INSIGHTS….” but if I click PAGE it gives me a facebook page error (that bandaged thumb error).

    The weird thing is, on laptop it tells me the page is unpublished and my perfect username is tied to this page). I have it all linked to my business Instagram as well.

    Since all of my business stuff is separate from my personal I never received any notification anything was wrong as far as verification, should I do the trick of making my personal an admin of the page and then removing the new profile with no friends? I really don’t want to do that since I wanted everything separate for privacy reasons, but if it’s a verification issue, I will happily resolve it. My frustration is I don’t know WHY I don’t have access to view the page itself, because if it’s an easy fix, I will gladly do it, but I don’t want to link anything to my personal without an absolute NEED. And I am afraid if I link my personal, it will not let me view it from either profile. Was it because I let it sit unpublished too long with bo activity? Can I ever get this visibility back?
    The business is facebook.com/RainbowDropShop
    and the profile is RainbowDropColleen

    • Therese

      I’m not exactly sure what the problem is, but it could very well be because of your profile. If your age on the profile is set to something under 17 that may very well be the problem. Right now your page has an age restriction on it. To change that (if you can) go to Settings / Age restrictions and change it to Anyone (13+). I would also make your real profile an admin. People won’t be able to access your personal profile unless you add that to your page; so don’t worry about that. Let me know if that works.

  80. mike


    So is it still the same?

    If I DELETE not Deactivate my personal FB page and have named an admin to a page (record label), he will be able to make posts to that page as I instruct him to ?

    Thank you in advance.

    • Therese

      Yes, as long as you make someone an admin before you delete your personal profile, that person will be able to manage the page. Whether he does ‘as you instruct him to’ or not is another thing 😉

  81. Rachel

    I have a personal Facebook page and from there I created a business page. I’ve been created a group under the same name as the business page and decided I like the group it better than I like the page so I decided to delete the business page. When I did, I lost all ability to edit the group. I now see that there are no administrators or moderators Of the group but I am unable to add a new one. There is also no place to make comments. Can you help me figure out how to become the administrator of the group I created?

    • Therese

      Can you reactivate the page? If so, you may be able to regain access to the group and set someone as an admin. That’s the only way I think you’ll be able to get control of the group again.

  82. Ibrahim

    Hello ,
    My fb profile is disabled
    Now it has one page connected to it.
    But im the only one admin
    What happens to that page ?
    Username still shows already taken.
    Will page gets deleted or it will stay for lifetime ?

    • Therese

      It’ll stay there. If your profile is enabled again you should still have access.

  83. pat

    Hi Therese,

    I’m trying to remove myself as an admin on a fb page, followed all directions provided but I’m still unable to do it. There is another admin who I’m no longer in contact with, she’s also the creator of the page but I’m only seeing myself as the admin for some reason and no option to edit or remove myself. I know she didn’t remove herself because there are recents posts on the page which only she does. Any idea? Thanks in advance

    • Therese

      Someone else had a similar issue. We both worked on it for a while, did some research and couldn’t not resolve it. She’s still trying to figure out what the problem is. I think it’s a Facebook glitch of some sort.

  84. Steven

    Hello Therese!

    So my company has an old Facebook page that we are wanting to merge with another. The problem is that the original admin had his account deleted, and now we are stuck with only an editor, with the admin grayed out in the role management panel. I was wondering if you had any advice on how to fix this issue. We are really needing this to work for our company.

    Thank you and I hope you have an incredible night,


    • Therese

      Hi Steven, unfortunately, the only way you can have that changed is if someone from Facebook takes care of it for you. You can try contacting them, but they may or may not respond.

  85. Margui

    Hello. I created a new personal profile to just open my business page but now that I have realized that everything is manage separately I want to delete this new personal profile and use my original and old personal profile. I already made myself Admin of the page with my original personal profile. My question is: Can I now delete this “new” personal FB profile and be able to manage my page with my original profile if I am already an Admin? Thanks in advance for your response.

    • Therese

      If your other profile is an admin (as opposed to editor, moderator, etc.) yes. You can delete the new profile. Just be sure your old profile is indeed an Admin.

      • Parag Dave

        Hi Therese:
        We’ve created a business page using my personal account. However, an agency who was doing our digital promotion is an admin and we have terminated their contract. They won’t transfer the admin responsibility to us and we’re wondering whether there is any way out, thanks, Parag.

      • Parag Dave

        Hi Theresa, this is Parag again. Just to add, I’ve spent money on facebook ad using my visa card and therefore, we can prove that we are the owner of the business page.Thanks.

      • Therese

        Hi Parag,

        You can try to file a claim with Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/help/256388474444114). In some cases like this, I have heard of people having to get an attorney involved. I hope the claim will do it for you though!

  86. Diran

    Hello, a page was created for my organisation and i was made one of the admin. Unfortunately, one of the administrators deleted the admin roles and we have been finding it hard to get it back. though we can still view the page via our account. What is the best steps to take…. Complicated

    • Therese

      Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is to email Facebook and hope they answer. Since there are no admins in the group, they’re the only ones who can assign a new admin. You’ll find help info on this page: https://www.facebook.com/business/resources.

  87. Yoroyarell

    Do you know what will happen with the posts published by the deleted Admin. Will those be there or also deleted?

    • Therese

      They’ll stay on the page.

  88. Andrew

    Hi there. We have an issue that someone set up a page for our golf club, then deleted their account. The page is still active but there are no accounts tied to it anymore. We have had to set up a new page for the golf club to continue having a presence on Facebook but as you can imagine it is not great having 2 pages. Tried reporting the page several times to no avail. Also no given the option to claim the page or merge it. Any help would be greatly appreciated

  89. Darrius

    Hi Therese! I have a couple Facebook accounts that are temporarily suspended. They are not deleted, but are requesting more information about the account. If all my accounts become like that on my Facebook page, will my Facebook page remain active or shut down if all admins are temporarily suspended? I also have a main account that is deactivated, but not fully deleted. Thank you for your response.

  90. karin

    hi therese, i am the only editor of a FB page. the admins profile was blocked by FB. i need to be the admin of this page. is there any chance?
    thank you so much,

  91. Ginette Ahier

    I have a different problem , and I think you are the only person who can help me. We had 2 business pages under different names, now they have the same name but the email I used to admin the first page does not exist anymore. So when someone looks for us on Facebook they land on our old page, which we can’t manage anymore. That really hurst the business, as you can imagine!

    I tried everything to have that page delete, without success.
    Any way you can help?
    Here is the link to my old page

    And here is the new one

  92. MEVORA

    I created a page. The page was NOT linked to my personal FB in any way. Even had a different email address. Accidentally deleted myself as an Admin. Another Admin was able to give me access but was forced to link it to my personal FB account. FB won’t let me add an Admin with just an email, it requires me to use someone’s FB account. Is there a way around this?

    • Therese

      I don’t believe there is a way around it. They used to allow pages to be set up without having a profile attached, but that’s not the case anymore. If the person you want to be an admin doesn’t have a FB account, they can set one up and lock down the privacy settings though. They don’t have to be active on the personal account.

  93. santosh

    Hello everyone.. can someone answer this please… My account has been disabled by Facebook ..and i am not able to access now.. but one of my page has been assigned to my friend..i gave him the “author” role to my friend.. so my friend is able to post the content on my page.. So my question is.. if my friend exit from the page.. wat happens to the page? and also i am trying to create new same page with different account…can i create a same page with same name with different account? if my friend exit the page??..

    • Therese

      Unless you or your friend have admin rights to delete the page, it will still be there. You can start another page with the same name, but you will not be able to get the same custom URL.

  94. Faani

    How can i change my role to admin from editor if the admin’s profile is deleted or disabled?

    • Therese

      Only an admin can add someone else as another admin.

  95. Radames Rosado

    Dear Therese, great blog.
    After reading posts from 2010, and going throughout all the questions, I fid myself asking for a yes or no answer:
    Someone created a Facebook Page as an admin. It had a couple of people as admins. The person left the organization. The mail and account went missing. There is a Ghost Admin for that page, Is there a way of getting the administration of the page or not?

    • Therese

      If by ‘ghost admin’ you mean an account that’s been abandoned, no, I don’t see any way to get the page back. Without an active admins, it’s doubtful you’ll be able to get access back. You can try contacting Facebook, but unless it’s an active page, and you’ve been spending ad money, it’s not likely you’ll get a response.

  96. Kim Hendricks

    i have a question…..my fb was disabled so I created a new page but I cannot access my business page (as it is linked to my old fb ). How do I gain access back to it on my new fb acct or is there any way? I spent alot of time and money on this business page and dont want to lose it. Thanks so much

    • Therese

      If the account you used to access your page has been disabled, you’re kind of out of luck unless there is another admin on the page. Have you tried logging into that old account?

  97. Oly

    Hi, my problem is that I was set as an editor of a page, but I was deleting myself from being an editor of some pages and I can’t delete myself from a page, I can click the X but when I click save is like if the button was blocked, I tried different browsers and even I tried in a lap and a pc, but nothing happen, I already mailed the page to request to be removed by an admin but I didnt have any reply, seems they dont check the page often, I keep trying to remove myself but I can’t the button is still like blocked.

    I checked fb help and seems some people had the same issue before but nobody says if they was able to fix it, all I see a response of clicking the x and then save, but that’s not working at all.

    What I should do, how I can remove myself?.

  98. elexe

    Hello i would like to ask something. I was Page Moderator in fb before. Then i was removed as a moderator by the page creator. Will my messages sent using the page still have my name indicated to be the one who posted it? And I have posted some statuses using the page, Now that I am removed will that post still be indicated under mine? Thank you!

    • Therese

      They won’t change. If you posted as the page, they’ll stay that way even after you’ve been removed. If you posted as yourself when you were an admin, they’ll show up as being posted by you (again, no change). If you post now, you’ll be posting as yourself. Does that answer your question?

  99. Angelika

    Dear Therese,
    your blog is really informative. We have a similar problem. We created a Facebook profile that is the admin to our facebook fanpages. Unfortunately, we havent added any other admins and now the profile has been blocked. we cannot access our fanpages now. Is there anything we can do? We sent all our documents to Facebook a month ago but they are simply not replying. Please please help us. Thanks! Angelika

    • Therese

      Getting Facebook to respond can be difficult. Have you followed up again? If not, you might try what a couple other people have told me they did. I’ve had a few people tell me the only way they were able to get Facebook to respond was to contact their ads department. They explained the issue, and that they’d like to get their page reinstated so they could advertise. That seemed to get Facebook’s attention and the issue was fixed. They did follow up by doing some ads. I think that’s important, even if you’re not spending a huge amount of money.

  100. claire

    Sorry. I’m a complete technophobe! Hah. Can i just check I’m understanding…
    So, if I’ve set up a Page for my employer through my personal FB page, i can make another manager Admin and just get her to remove me as Admin, then the page is hers to maintain??

    • Therese

      Yes, although I recommend having at least 2 admins on any page. That way if one person loses access for some reason, the other admin will still have access to the page. If a page has only one admin, and that person’s personal profile is disabled, they will no longer have access to the page. It can be a pain to try to get access back.

      • Digvijaya Upadhyay

        Hary converted his facebook account to a fan page “LOST CuB” and then he made me an admin of his page. After that I deleted Hary from admin and now I am only the admin of “LOST CuB” because Hary don’t want his personal profile to be deleted after 14 days.
        But we are not sure that if Hary’s personal profile will get deleted or not. Please let me know what will happen to Hary’s personal profile after 14 days???
        and please do tell me if there is any way to safe that personal account from deleting after creating fan page from it..!!!

      • Therese

        Hary’s profile will not be deleted just because you removed him as an admin from the fan page. In order for him to delete his profile, he needs to go into to Settings/Security and then click on Deactivate Your Account. If he did not do that, his profile should be OK.

  101. Matt Jones

    We had a page created to support our business by a marketing company. Two of our staff were made Admin, and were the only people to update/post and promote the page. We have now changed marketing companies and the page has been set for deletion by the original marketing company, AND they have removed our editing rights for the page. Is there anything that can be done? I few can prove that it’s our business, we have been using the account and been paying for page promotions etc..???

    • Therese

      Hi Matt, I’m so sorry to hear this has happened to you. I would contact Facebook and let them know what’s going on. If you can email them from an email matching the name of the page that may be enough to establish you as the owner of the page. For example, if the page name is ABC Company and your email is you @ abccompany.com that may work. Getting through to FB can be a bit difficult, but check this page out for ways to get in touch with them:

  102. Cheryl

    Hi All

    I have the opposite question.

    I was forced to change my personal account into a business page. It has now been changed back to my personal account. If I delete the page will it affect my personal account?

  103. Tom

    We had 1 admin who was in charge of our facebook page but it was a fake name setup by someone else who helped us setup our page (I guess they didn’t know and we didn’t know we needed a real name to admin our page)!

    The fake name that admin the page was reported/deleted. We made that fake profile into a NEW page due to Fb saying we had to, but we still don’t have access to our main real page.

    We now have our main page sitting there and it cannot be touched as the only admin lost privileges and we cannot log onto that account at all.

    We contacted facebook many times but only got:
    “We received your report and appreciate your patience as we work to fix technical problems on Facebook. Though we can’t update everyone who submits a report, we’re using your feedback to improve the Facebook experience for everyone.
    To contact us about non-technical issues, please visit the Help Center.”

    We paid a lot of money to ‘promote’ our page for likes and we have a lot of likes/photos but we have no way of accessing it.

    Has anyone found out a way to get back our facebook page? We have a real account/ID ready to send to FB so that can admin our page but we have not received any replies.

    Thank you

  104. T

    So .. they keep closing my case. After receiving my id i got answer: “Hi,
    Thanks for contacting us. Personal profiles that don’t represent individual people go against our Community Standards. We’re not able to reactivate your profile because it represented a business, organization, club, group, brand or other entity.”
    They don´t give me ANY explanation at all. This is always been my personal account, as i don´t own any business, BUT! I`AM A DOG OWNER! And i put lots of pictures of my dog (but not only dogs)(i have one dog, no kennel, no puppies) and occasionally my friends dogs and few times in year i go to the dog shows and photographing there and after shering pictures to the others. And i created recently local dog group for two breeds. That´s all. This is part of my personal life and now they decided, that i´m not a person at all and don´t have right to communicate wiht my friends through to Facebook. If i create a new account, i will be doing exactly same things and .. my account will be closed again? Well don, yeah?

    • Cheryl

      The same thing has happened to me but I threw my toys out of the cot and now have my personal profile back.

      Keep sending them the details with a message.

  105. T

    If you convert your account to a page, your account will be disabled. That’s why page needed new admin (either you create new account for yourself, or you give one of your friends admin rights). You as an “old you” don´t exist anymore, only name remains. You can post under your old name, but doing it as a new admin. If this explains my last sentence. Otherwise – i got response from fb. They ignore ALL my questions, only copy pasting few sentences all over and over again. Asking for id, but can not read foreign id-s … I let You know, how it ended.

  106. T

    Hi, my problem is – i got multiple false reports on my personal account (by a harasser) and one day i could not log in my account, there was a text, that i should convert it to the page. As contacting with FB is impossible (i tried id uploading forms, but keep receiving messages, that i cant do this, because my account is not disabled), i converted my profile to the page and hoped, with request to unconverting i get finally chance to contacting them. I´m still waiting for response. But. I had a closed group (new members could be added with admin approval) and i was only admin. Now i see the group like any other non-member. So i have 3 questions:
    1) Is there any solution at all to got my group back?
    2) Did somebody knows anybody, whose page was converted back to personal account?
    3) IF i get my account back, i´m i still admin?

    After converting seems to i am on of the page admins, but i cant log in with my e-mail at all (Title is: Account Disabled), only other admin can.

    Thanks 🙂

    • Therese

      I’m not sure what your last sentence means. If there are other people who are admins, they should be able to make you an admin. Otherwise, the only way to be reinstated would be for someone at Facebook to do it.

  107. Amy

    Hi Therese, thank you so much for your blog, it’s very helpful! I have a bit of a unique situation on a friend’s facebook page. All the way back in 2012 or around there, he disabled his personal account and moved all of his contacts and all the info over to his business page. He then promptly decided facebook wasn’t the thing for him and left it alone for the last 4 years! I’ve come along and explained to him that fb is a great place to market (especially as he’s a photographer!). We’ve accessed his business account, but we cannot transfer to his personal account. With his business account, he cannot boost his posts which is the primary objective. We have tried contacting fb, but it says he needs to transfer to his personal profile before posting in the help forums. Likewise, we cannot upgrade to business manager without having access to a personal profile. When we search his name, it looks like the personal profile still exists, but there is absolutely no information there… no pictures, no info, nothing at all! Any ideas? The main objective is to keep the business page/account he already has but make sure he can post ads from it. I do not know if it is just a page or an account – is there anyway I can check? Thank you so much for any help you are able to give!

    • Therese

      Hi Amy, thanks for the compliment!

      I’m assuming you’re logging in with the email/password he originally used for his personal profile, correct? At that time he would have had a profile and a page, with his profile being set as an admin. When he disabled the profile that login must have been assigned to the page.

      Is the email you use to login to the page based on a domain name your friend owns? (I hope!) If so, what I would do is to set up a new profile using a new email account on that domain name. Then contact Facebook and tell explain to them what is going on. If they see the email from the page and the new profile match, that may be all they need to give the new profile ownership of the page. Make sense?

  108. Therese

    When you remove yourself and your members from a group, the group will eventually be deleted. When you say you can’t access your account, are you talking about your personal profile? If that’s the case, you’ll need to either reset your password or contact Facebook.

  109. Ijaz Ahmad

    Dear sir/ Madam i have deleted my group members and myself too the group shows no member neither i can access my account nor delete my group what i have to do to access my account

  110. Justin

    Hi Therese, I created a page under my profile and I am the only admin. I would like to let another person take over the ownership of the page. If I place her as admin and delete myself as admin, I’m under the understanding that she will be running that page, but will need my password to access it. I need to know how to be completely separate under profile account passwords. Any suggestions?

    • Therese

      Hi Justin, if you appoint someone else a full admin, they will login with their own personal profile to access the page. So your friend won’t need your login info.

      • Justin

        Will she then have access to my personal profile and any other pages?

      • Therese

        No. She would only have access to your personal profile if you gave her your login for that. Think of it this way:
        You have your own home. You also have a store. You give your friend a key to your store. She will have the key to your store, but not your home. Your personal profile is like your home and your page is like the store. Does that make sense?

      • Justin

        Yes! Thanks! I wanted to make sure they, or someone they know, could not access the other pages. Thanks for your help! I’ve been trying to get this answered for about a year now.

  111. S K

    I want to find out. If I was made admin on a page and I remove myself as admin do my posts dissappear on that page?

    • Therese

      No, your posts will not be deleted. Before you remove yourself as admin though, be sure someone else has full admin rights.

      • Ana Corsi-Travali

        I hate to be “Actually” girl, but this does happen. I was an admin for a page when I worked at a Country Club. When I left that position and removed myself as an admin, the page lost all the posts that I did. The other admins’ posts remained, but mine were deleted.

      • Therese

        That’s very odd. I’ve helped several people remove admins and never heard of that happening before. I wonder if that was an intentional thing on Facebook’s part or if it was just a glitch.

  112. Jonathan Laliberte

    Here’s one for you. Like nothing in the comments above.

    I am an admin in a facebook group and the original admin deactivated his account and is no longer in the group.

    I am the only admin and there are less that 2000 people in the group. The option to change the group name is not available because i am not the creator. What are my options?

    Thanks for the help. Really appreciate any pointers, tips, suggestions. (y)

  113. jim owens

    hello Therese 😀 , scrolling this wall i see you are extremely knowledgeable of Facebook 😀 I have a friend who is an editor of a facebook fan page for the past 3 years , the person who created the page and was the only admin of the page had his acct disabled by facebook about 2 years ago , not sure why it was disabled probably for violating TOS but , now she is the only person on the page (editor status) and has been posting to it all this time and was curious if you had any insight how she could claim ownership?

    • Therese

      Unfortunately, if the admin of the page no longer has access, you’ll need to contact Facebook. Unfortunately there’s nothing you can do on your own to reclaim the page.

  114. Jessica

    Hi. I have a bizarre issue I have not been able to get help with from FB. I am a member of a schools PTA and I managed the personal profile account listed under the PTA’s name but then FB forced me to convert that personal profile to a page, which I did. Once I did that I attempted to make myself an admin. When logging in under the PTA’s email address it lists me as an admin, however when I log in under my OWN profile it shows the page and when clicking on it it doesn’t show me as an admin, only a moderator. It shows the PTA (the PTA’s name) as the admin, not myself. So it seems to be in some sort of limbo. I cannot do anything on the page under my own profile since it lists me as moderator and when logging on under the PTA’s log in it states I am an admin. We actually just want to cancel the page but can’t since nobody really has admin rights. Please help!

    • Therese

      I would set up an entirely new profile. Then login to your page and make that new profile an admin. Then that new admin should be able to kill the page.

      • Jessica

        Thanks for the response Therese! Are you suggesting setting up a new profile under a completely different email? However, it isn’t letting me do anything. I wanted to to try to make another member the admin and it won’t let me since once I’m in the page it says I am NOT the admin. It’s like it is stuck in some rut. And I’ve tried to get help from FB with no luck. Incredibly frustrating.

      • Therese

        When you login under the PTA email can’t you add someone new as admin?

      • Jessica

        No, it says I am the admin. But when going to the page it shows the PTSA is the admin. When logging in under the PTSA email it says:

        “Your migration is in process
        Your profile is being changed to a Page and should be finished soon. Please check your email for more details.
        The admin of your new Page will be:

        Jessica (my last name)”

        Then I click “ok” and it redirects me to the log in page. So I can’t even get to the page under the PTSA email address. I can only get to it if I go through my personal account. Its like it is stuck in process or something.

  115. George

    Hi Therese!
    Here tere is another peculiar situation!….:
    I converted my “personal account” profile to a “page” without being aware that my my original profile was going to be deleted by facebook after 14 days!…. Now , what if (while I am in the 14-days transitive period), I will delete or deactivate my new-born “page”?…. Will still my profile be gone after the 14 days transitive period will expire?!

    • Therese

      Hi George, I haven’t had any experience with this particular issue. However, I would imagine since you converted your profile to a page that you would NOT be able to recover the original profile.

  116. Pihu

    My account got hacked and the hacker turned my account into a page. I managed to get my account back and secure it. I opted for cancellation of the page, it said it’d take 14 days to get deleted, I deactivated my account then, but when I logged into my account again after 2 days the page wasn’t there. Earlier it used to show the page, and show if I wanted to opt for the cancellation of the page but now nothing is there. Neither I can see the page and nor I can use my account for my personal use. My account still hasn’t been recovered. I can’t text anyone or like anyone’s posts but I still get updates. I want to have my account back. Please help.

    • Therese

      You’ll need to contact Facebook about that. They are the only ones who can tell you if your page has been permanently deleted or not. Since you’re still getting updates, my guess is that they still have the data and hopefully an restore the account and page for you.

  117. Tom

    Good Day,
    I have a scenario which i have not figured out yet.

    I’m the owner and administraor for several facebook pages. I sometimes use the advertising feature thus my personal account is connected with my paypal-account or creditcard.

    Now, on one of the pages i have plans to remove myself as an Administrator and let another person take over that responsibility, but, i do not want him to be able to use the advertising feature if it’s connected to my paypal and creditcard.

    So, my question is, If i hand over the Administrative role to another person and then have him demoting me to Editorial or Moderator, will the page advertising feature still be connected to my paypal-account and creditcard, or will it automatically be connected to the new Administrators Ad setup?

    Now, if my Ad setup will still be active with another administrator, how about if i leave the page all together, will it still be connected to my Ad setup?

    Basically i want to hand over the Administrative role to another person but so that my Ad setup is not related with that page again.

    My Ideal choice would be to make other people Editors only if they are inable to use the Ad feature which is setup to my paypal and creditcard. So, they only option as i see it would be to hand over the Administrative role to someone else, have me demoted or removed so that the page won’t be related to my Ad setup again.

    Am i out sailing on the ocean on this or ? Any help on this is much appreciated. Warmest regards, / Tom

  118. Shin

    Hello I have a problem and I need help please with this scenario

    so I have this facebook fan page that I created myself..I didn’t put anyone as admin in it..just myself the creator..but I got my profile account disabled by facebook and now I can’t access both the profile and the page…

    now my question

    1- is there a way to get back my page ?

    2-if I did appoint someone as an admin in this page before my account got deleted will the page still be gone for him or will he still see it even though my account ( the creator of the page ) disappear

    • Therese

      1 – If you were the only admin, you would have to try contacting Facebook to see if they’ll reactivate your profile. You don’t say why your account was disabled, but this post has various contact methods based on why you need to contact Facebook.

      2 – If you had another admin on the page, that person would still be able to access the page, even after your profile was deleted.

      Come back and let us know if you were able to get your page back. Good luck!

      • Shin

        Thanks for the reply.my profile got disabled by facebook with no warning at all.reason is I’m using a fake name when I was just using my nick name and not my real one…I didn’t know about this policy.it’s just too unfair I lost my page like this with no warning at all…so I tried contacting them and sent them my IDs but still not reply for 4 days and I searched for more info.turns out even if you send your ID appeal facebook usually don’t give you your account back unless you were using a real name (match with the one in the ID )

        I wish I knew about this earlier to add someone as an admin..or change to my real name…I guess there is no way for me to get my account and my page back anymore

      • Therese

        I’m afraid you’re right. Unfortunately at this point, you’d have to get someone from Facebook to reactivate your page.

      • Shin

        Is that possiable without the profile account itself ?
        can I make a new one and get the old page somehow ?

        I got an answer from facebook today about my account saying that my case is closed and they rejected my ID appeal

  119. Michèle

    Hello, I am creating a new personal fb page and was thinking of deleting or deactivating the old one. Thing is it was linked to my biz page. I made my new account admin of the page already but I was wondering if the posts published with the old account will disappear if I delete or deactivate it. Thanks a lot 🙂

    • Therese

      Hi Michele,

      When you say you’re creating a personal page, I’m assuming you mean a profile. Right? If you deactivate it, the posts will stay available if you want to reactivate, but most of your data will be unavailable to friends. If you delete it, eventually, the posts from the old page will disappear. According to this post on Facebook, it may take up to 90 days for that to happen. https://www.facebook.com/help/359046244166395

      I’m curious why you want to delete your profile?

      • Shay

        Hello Therese,
        I have an employee who was an admin on our Facebook page. She just recently resigned however, she scheduled posts for the next few weeks I would like to make sure get posted. If I remove her, will those scheduled posts get removed as well?

      • Therese

        They should stay there. Just check in your scheduled posts section to see if they’re still scheduled.

  120. Brock

    I read almost everything and didn’t see any answer for my question I am about to ask. For example I have a page and I am the only admin but 5 of my friends are editors for the page. Let’s say I deleted my admin account or Facebook closed my admin account, what happens then ? In this scenario page won’t have any admin but 5 editors. Does it automatically gives admin rights to one of the editors ?

    Thank you in advance guys…

    • Therese

      Before you delete your page, be sure to make at least one person an admin. If you delete your account, since you’re the admin, the page will not have an admin. Facebook will not automatically make someone an admin.

  121. rhine

    hi… i have a different problem but maybe you guys can help.

    I was a managing a facebook page owned by an organisation.

    Unfortunately, the Facebook page got blocked.

    Can Facebook just deactivate and close this Facebook Page since it has been blocked and we cannot do much with it anymore?

    Our plan is to just so create a new one and fix it up. I believe the organisation would since want to use the email address it used for the previous Facebook page if possible.

    how do we get in-touch with facebook regarding this? can they get back to us via email or other means? thanks


  122. Michelle

    Hi… My friend set up a tribute page for her brother. When she deactivated her facebook the page went with it. She has since reactivated her profile but the tribute page has not fully reactivated! She can get into the page but ishe is the only person who cam see it! She iscrealky distressed andcwe need to know if she can reactivate the tribute page fully? Any help would be hugely appreciated!

    • Therese

      Is there a notice at the top of the page saying it’s not been published? If so, she should just be able to click to change it. If it’s not there, have her go into settings and look at the “Visibility” section. She can publish it (make it public) there.

  123. -

    I need help! This happened to me twice with two different pages .I dont want to be related to those pages anymore at all…..I was added as admin by the people that used to be the creator of the page .. But now those person deleted their fb.

    So today I decided to unlike/unfollow and delete myself from those pages since I still admin ( by force ) well I did all that .. But the damn pages still under my pages tab …

    Someone knows what should I do?

    • Therese

      Are you still an admin? If so, you can remove yourself as admin and/or delete the page. If you’re not an admin, I’d try logging out and back in to see if that will work. It may be a cache issue.

  124. Bola Ilori

    A clone of the admin of this page bioreports on facebook hijacked the account. The unknown person registered the same name (James Nice) and even profile picture of the genuine admin. The clown deleted all other admins and only left one of the addmin as editor thereby locking everybody out as editor. How can this clone be ejec and the account retrieved.
    The facebook page is:

  125. Jose Russio

    I have a Fan Page called Rio Basketball Master and suddenly everything publised by my, no one of my friends received. I received a msg saying the page is disconected .
    Please anyone can help to have this problem solved.

    Tks in advanced

    Jose Russio

    • Therese

      I’m not sure what you mean by disconnected? Did the message come from Facebook? And what exactly did it say?

      • Jose Luiz Russio

        Seems to me the Fan Page is deactivated. Now I set up 2 friends as Admin , I am not the Admin now.
        I published pictures and msgs and my friends did not receive , at the same time they did not access any more the page http://www.facebook.com/riobasketballmaster, msgs temporally anavailable .
        So I have no idea what is going on. I did not received any msg from FB.

        I send to you this email because I am not sure you received the first one.

        my FB page is Jose Luiz Russio

      • Therese

        I’m able to see the page just fine. The most recent post I see is from Feb. 13. Can your friends make you an admin?

  126. Aj

    I created a Facebook page through my personal account. For some reason i was made an editor by another facebook account and was removed as an admin..i checked my page role and found out this has happened and now i cannot remove that account and make my self the admin..i tried checking the facebook account but its no longer available..what do i do?? it appears i have lost the right to my page due to this unfortunate issue. i need help to recover my rights to my page.

    • Therese

      Hi Aj, I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Did someone else remove you as admin? If so, have you contacted that person to ask them to reinstate you as admin? If they hijacked the page, and you can prove you are the rightful owner, I would try contacting Facebook to (hopefully) get it straightened out. You’ll find contact info here: https://www.facebook.com/help/181495968648557/

  127. Amanda

    Hi Theresa

    I have a related question – a friend created a GROUP in memory of my husband who died.

    Both he and myself are the current group admins.

    That friend is now saying they are going to delete (not deactivate) their FB account.

    I desperately don’t want to lose this memorial group.

    1. Do you know if the first administrator deletes their FB account will the group also be deleted? (Groups don’t seem to have admin levels like pages now do).

    2. Do you know if anything would happen to the group if he were to deactivate (rather than delete) his account?

    Any help would be very appreciated.

    • Video360


      This is the same scenario that I have, and maybe Therese can help clear it up for us.

      One of my friends created a group, and named a few Admins. He is now suffering from a life-ending disease, and isn’t expected to live very long, and his personal FB page will be deleted permanently.
      My question is whether the group will also be deleted, since he created it, or will it stay active, since there are others running the Group as Administrators – what do you think?

      • Therese

        I’m so sorry to hear about your friend.

        Are you talking about a page or a group?

        If it’s a group, all of the admins have equal status. When an admin’s personal profile is deleted the group *should* still be ok as long as there are other admins. I say should because, as we all know, there are always Facebook glitches. What I would suggest is to remove him as an admin when you know he will no longer be spending time on Facebook.

        If it’s a page, you will want to be sure the admins on the page have the status of “Admin” rather than any of the other options. People designated as Admins have the highest level of admin rights, including being able to remove other admins. So again, if you are indeed an admin, when you know your friend will no longer be on Facebook anymore, I would remove him as admin. Even if you don’t though, the page should be OK even after his profile is deleted.

        Does that help?

  128. TK

    Therese, I agree. And you are the best. Thank you for your social support.

  129. TK

    Therese, you are so patient with all of our inquiries. Thank you for your grace. My question is a version of what you’ve been talking about, but I wondered if you have specific insight into it because like everyone, I’m scared to take the risk of loosing a Page I’ve built up over years.

    Way back in the beginning “DD” created a FB Account and a “DD” Profile was associated with that account. “DD” created a Page. “DD” hit the (then) 5K friend limit and converted her Profile into a Page. Then merged both Pages she created into one. At this point, the “DD” Account has no Profile, but created and manages 1 Page.

    Since, “ZB” created an Account with a “ZB” Profile associated with it and was designated admin of the Page “DD” created. “ZB” removed “DD” as an admin.

    Currently, the Page has “ZB” as admin and “DD” is just an account with no Profile or Page associated. Can I permanently delete the “DD” account without risking the Page it created and possibly still “owns”?

    • Therese

      That’s a new one! 😉 I think you could safely delete the DD profile. However, I am not 100% sure since I have not run into this exact situation before. What I would probably do is to leave DD alone and just not use the account. Since there’s no profile or page associated with it, you shouldn’t be getting friend requests, or other notifications.

      • Katie

        Hi Therese,

        Our situation is a bit similar to TK’s. We started off with a personal account A. A then created and managed 3 pages A1, A2 and A3. We also used A to create and run several Facebook groups. Last month we reported an imposter to Facebook and Facebook, for some reason, decided to convert A from a personal account to a page. At that point, A had no profile, but was still the “manager” of pages A1, A2 and A3. However, it was no longer the admin of the Facebook groups.

        We decided to delete A permanently so we could create a new personal account with the same email address which we used in the beginning to create A (we need a personal account so we could create Facebook groups). A was removed as admin from all the pages associated with it (A1, A2 and A3). Each of those pages now has 5 different managers. A now is just an account with no profile or page and has been scheduled for deletion in 14 days.

        Will our pages be deleted along with A, since it was the account used to create those pages? We’ve built up these pages for years and losing them would have a devastating impact on our work.

        Alternatively, could we just not delete A, change its email address, leave it alone and use the original email address to create a new personal account? Would that work?

        Sorry for this lengthy question. Hope you could help us answer it.


  130. Abbas

    My personal account was hacked and the hacker (whom i dont know) made himself the manager and i am the content creator, is there anyway i could get my page back

  131. rarhy isz r-breezy

    hi! my facebook account was disabled by facebook and needs an id to be reactivated but its been 3 days now and no response from facebook, the account that was been disabled is the admin of my facebook page. the page is still working but there is no admin. pelase any help me?!

  132. Sahkneeyou

    Hello, this may have been answered, but i am a bit social media challenged. I created a personal fb page for business before I knew about the fan page. Now I am trying to create a fanpage and what to use my domain name, however fb says it is unavailable, because my personal page has it. I tried to change it on my personal fb page, but you can only make the change once. Should I delete my personal page and if so will my domain name become available again?

    • Therese

      I don’t believe that will work. I’ve talked to people who have had similar issues, and have not been able to get a custom URL back once they let go of it. I would probably convert your profile to a page. See Facebook for instructions: https://www.facebook.com/help/175644189234902/

  133. Jonathan

    Please help me because FB just doesn’t answer, I have a really strange case. I was trying to add another admin on my page, by clicking save button there was a message that said “there was an error loading the page, try reloading” (sort of), I did that and ending without ANY admin so now I can’t access my page with none of both accounts, what can I do? My page is in limbo right now. Thanks a lot.

    * sorry if wrote something wrong, not my primary language.

    • Therese

      Hi Jonathan, in a case like this, the only way you can get your page back is by working with Facebook.

  134. Curios George

    I have been reading through your comments section trying to find something similar to my problem, but have had no such luck.
    Basically, I have been trying to get my Fan Page to show up in google search and facebook search and have tried EVERYTHING! I just recently read that if i deactivate my account and then immediately reactivate it facebook seems to all of a sudden ‘recognize it.’ What I am worried about, obviously, is something terrible happening like reactivating my account and finding the fan page gone!
    Two questions:
    1. Should I deactivate my account and then reactivate it?
    2. Should I delete my fan page and then try to reactivate it.
    I hope you can help,

  135. kim buckland watson

    yesterday evening i was updating my profile and changed my profile picture .All night i was looking and liking and saying hello to friends on facebook made soom comments nice ones and going over my wall and adding new activitys and add new address to my profile nothing big well i recieved a noe mail saying in 14 days they will close my account i ve had it for 6-8 yrs they said i made some bad comments and i dont even know what they were talking about i never say bad things,curse or look at bad sites or nothing wrong i was wondering if they had wrong person very confused im not very computer savy i dont know what to do help kim

    • Therese

      Can you post the message you got from Facebook?

  136. Vanessa F

    I hope you can help… I’ve seen this question asked, but am still unsure of answer.
    I deactivated my personal profile and then reactivated it. My business page is still attached, but when I search for my business page from another Facebook account, I can’t find it, likes its deleted? How long does it take for business page to reactivate after personal page has been reactivated? Does the business page reactivate to public?

  137. Kent Pavelka

    Simple scenario: I have a personal page that I want to deactivate for awhile. As I understand it, several other pages for which I am administrator (all tied to my page), will also be deactivated. I’m fine with that. However, what I want to know is will ALL of these pages come back (with all content) when I reactivate my main page?

  138. camila

    Hi, my problem is complicated. I was on my page and by mistake I deleted my co-owner which i had as manager. Now when I try to add her it doesnt let me. Is it because when you delete an admin they are banned from being one again. She likes the page and I heard you can only have an admin who likes the page. So can she be an admin again? Or once you delete the admin you can´t add them again?

    Please help. Thank you.

    • Therese

      You should be able to add her again. Give it some time and try again.

  139. Janis

    “Keep in mind that admins can remove members or admins, add new admins and edit the group description and settings. You should only add a member as an admin if you already know and trust them.” https://www.facebook.com/help/418065968237061/

    If you deactivate your account from what I read anyone could make themselves an Admin of a group that no longer has an Admin. So you may want to appoint one first.

    Believe it or not there are a lot of questions answered in the Facebook help. For Group Admins: https://www.facebook.com/help/146441348760878

  140. Chris

    Hi few questions
    I run a “group ” on facebook not a “page” its linked to my facebook account, it seems when i create admins they all have same privileges as me is this right? If so what stops another admin from deleting me from my own “group”….. That i created.?

    If i deactivate my account and I’m the only admin to my “group” does my group disappear to until i reactivate it again?

    If im not the only admin to my “group” and deactivate my page for time out what happens to my “group” then?

    Thank u 🙂

  141. Robina

    In terms of groups I’ve created….if I deactivate or delete my personal profile what happens to this group I’ve created? I have given another person (within the group) admin status, so the group will still exist…is that correct? Thanks

    • Therese

      Yes, but make sure the new admin has full admin rights.

  142. Heather

    My scenario…. I am the only active admin on a page, but have limited admin privileges, I can post, and message but not make admin changes…

    The owning admin deactivated his facebook profile, so I don’t know what will happen to the page.

    It is a school team with almost 2000 fans, and would be a shame to lose it (I don’t know the owner, he asked me to help with the page, but my kids are done at the school so won’t be able to do it either) The coach of the team would like to be made admin, but I cannot do it…


    • Therese

      Can you ask the original admin to reactivate his profile? I don’t know if it would work or not, but reactivating his profile may reactivate his admin privileges. If so, he can then give you fill admin rights.

  143. Maggie

    I created a page a number of years ago for my work,which is connected to my personal page. I am now leaving this job. There is one other admin on the account. When I go in to delete myself as manager, there is no X next to my name, therefore no way to remove myself. What do I do?

    • Therese

      The other admin should be able to remove you, as long as that person has full admin rights.

  144. Gullible

    I have a rather unusual issue.
    Basically, i had offered to help a friend out with her marketing on the promise of stuff in future, i made a huge success of her page and business, and when i asked for what was promised, she deleted me as admin and gave me nothing.
    I posted virtually everything while i was co-admin on the page, is there any way, now that i am not admin, i can delete the things i posted?
    I’d like to avoid de-activating my account if possible and even so i’m not sure that would affect anything no i’m no longer admin, as all my posts were posted ‘as’ the company – not ‘as me’.
    I’d really like to remove the content i posted, can anyone help? Or am i unable to… I know i have i been really gullible and made a fool of for trusting a friend of 10 years – more fool me… So please don’t bash me for that :/

    • Therese

      You can only delete posts by the page (which is how you posted them) if you are an admin.

      • Gullible

        Thank you Therese. I thought that might be the case. Unfortunately now she has all of my photographs and promotions etc. My own fault for trusting she’d keep promises i guess. Lesson learned. 🙁

      • Therese

        I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get paid for your work. Hopefully your friend will work things out with you. All the best!

  145. michael

    If i deactivate my account will i lose all my contacts i have obtained through sync on my phone, if so is there something i can do to deactivate my account and keep all my contacts i gained through it.

    • Therese

      I don’t believe so, but I’m not 100% certain. What you might want to do before deactivating your Facebook page is to export all of the contacts on your phone. That way you can import them again if you do lose any of them. It’s a good idea to do this periodically anyway in case of device failures.

  146. John

    Great page! This question may have been answered here, but if so I couldn’t find it. I have a Profile and a Page. I want to deactivate my Profile for a while. I know this will also make the Page go away, and I don’t want to assign another admin to it. Once I reactivate my Profile, will my Page come back, or will it be gone forever? Thanks so much!

    • Therese

      If you delete your profile, your page won’t have an admin. What I would suggest instead is to either tighten your privacy settings on your profile, or appoint someone else (who you trust) as an admin for the page.

      • John

        Hi again: Just to clarify…I don’t want to delete my Profile, just Deactivate. When I reactivate, will the Page I created still be there? Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.

      • Kent Pavelka

        John…this is my situation also. Did you ever get an answer?

  147. Thomas


    My better half has a company profile on facebook, where I have been admin. The problem arises when we try to assign admin. status to her, we had problems establishing her as admin., but it seemed to succeed so I unsubscribed my own status as admin. and saved. But it turns out so that there are no admins. is on the company profil at the moment and I can not see how I can again be admin. So the question is, how can it be done.?? Hope you can help?
    Best regards Thomas

    • Therese

      If you set your page up with its own login, you should be able to login with those credentials and set someone as admin. However, if you originally set the page up through your personal profile, you won’t be able to set another admin. You need to have access to the page admin panel in order to set another admin.

  148. Kristen

    Ok, so not knowing much about FB, i was able to create a page for our organization without having a personal FB account. I am not realizing that I should’ve had a personal account first. I understand how to add admins and all of that, but my question is, how do I create a personal account now using the same email address that I used to set up the PAGE? I want this email address since it is linked to our organization. Is there a way to do this or do I really need to make up a new email address? PLEASE HELP! Thanks a bunch.

    • Therese

      What you will need to do is change the email account for the page and set up the new profile with the email you want to use. Then, login to the page and set your self up (your new profile) as an admin.

  149. John Wojslaw

    I have a personal fb account. When I click on the down arrow to the right of my name on the home page, I have 5 entries of weird names (Jiditty7149) that say use facebook as. If I click on it, I go to a page that says it is unpublished. If I try to delete it, it deletes that one but a new J……. shows up in the list. I tried resetting my password and securing my account, as well as cleaning out cookies and the cache. Nothing seems to work. I reported it to fb but have received no answer. Any ideas?

    • Therese

      Hi John, I’ve never heard of this happening to anyone. Do you have any apps or games installed on your profile? My guess would be that one of them may have a virus or other issue that’s causing this. Do a scan with Norton Safe Web: apps.facebook.com/nortonsafeweb/

      • John Wojslaw

        I did not have any aps installed. I did add the norton safe web and scanned. One of my friends had several posts that came up as untested. I unfriended the person. Then I went back and was able to delete the weird pages without them returning. So all is well. Thank you so much.

      • Therese

        Thanks for letting me know that helped!

  150. Don

    Here’s my situation. A patient of mine works at NBC here in Mobile and does their Facebook page. I hired her to set up my FB business page and have paid her weekly for the past two months. Anyway, I decided to hire a website design company who only does chiropractic websites, and to also do my FB, twitter, and Google + pages. She got upset and deactivated the account and I have no password or ability, that I know of, to retrieve my FB business page. Any help would be vastly appreciated. Someone told me to contact FB? HELP! Please.

    • Therese

      Unless you have admin rights to the page, you won’t be able to get it back. If she refuses to cooperate, contact Facebook and explain the situation. Keep in mind though that they have millions of people using Facebook, which means it may take a while for you to hear back (if you ever do). See this blog post for more info and links to the FB forms.

      Your best bet may actually be just to start over. I know that may not be the ideal solution, but given the time and energy it will take to get the old one back (and maybe not successfully), it may make more sense.

      When you get your new page set up, be sure to add other people as admins at levels other than manager. A manager can do anything with the page including delete other managers.

  151. Andri


    Im hoping i can get some help with this major dilemma.
    So i created a facebook account for a business as i didnt want to use my personal account so i then created a separate page for the business so people can like it. However i realised it should be a business page so i converted the profile account to a page and now i cannot access the original page which i created from the account. I dont know what to do as the profile account which i created it from is now just a page :S i can still search for the original page in the search bar and it still comes up too but i cant get to it????

    • Therese

      Hi Andri, that’s actually a problem I’ve never encountered. You will not be able to access the old page from the page that used to be a personal profile. What I would do though is to fill out a request form and ask FB to convert your old page back to a profile long enough to set an admin for the page you can’t currently access. Explain the situation, letting them know you understand the fact that profiles cannot be used for businesses. Tell them that you intend to only keep the profile in the business name long enough to be set the admin for the other page. Hopefully 1) Someone will actually read your message 2) They will understand and help you get it straightened out.

      Here’s the link to the request form: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/?id=366956053339943

      • Andri

        Okay thanks so much for your help! I will fill out the form and explain and hope for somebody to get back to me. Do you think if i permanently delete the page which was previously the profile account that the other page i made from that account will also delete?

  152. abdo

    i added new manager to my page ,and he told me that he added new accounts to management but he deactivated them,
    so now I returned to the page and I am the only manager , but I m affraid that he will reactivate one of those deactivated manager account and take the page>
    so how can I find deactivated manager accounts ?

    • Therese

      I don’t believe you can find deactivated manager accounts. Only the account holder can reactivate them, at which time they may still be managers of the page. I’m not entirely sure. I would just keep an eye on the page and remove his admin rights if they show up again.

  153. Therese

    I wouldn’t take a chance on deleting the page with the name you want. I’ve heard that sometimes a name is available after deletion, and sometimes it’s not. If you really want to use that name, I would start telling your fans to unlike the old page and like the new one. I’d close the old one to comments so they won’t get confused. Once they’ve all moved, delete the old page.

  154. Claire

    Wonder if you could help me please. im clueless about FB. I have a business page with 170 or so “likes”. I decided to change the name but didnt realise you could actually change it on facebook so I created a whole new business page with my new name figuring Id just have to start over. Now that I realise you can change the name it wont let me because the username is obvoiusly taken (by me!). If I delete the new page will that allow me to change the name of my existing page to the name of the one I just deleted? Also, does the URL change to the same as the page name? Hope this makes sense. x

  155. Jenn P

    I am an admin on several different FB pages. If I temporarily delete my personal fb page will I still be an admin of a pages when I reactivate my personal page? Thank you!

  156. Janis

    Taylor, they’re supposed to be ok, if you assigned other administrators. I moderate several and was able to delete many accounts without a problem, however I had a page disappear until I reactivated the account that started it. So, I’m a bit apprehensive to delete any more.

  157. Taylor T

    if I deactivate my facebook account what happened to my pages I admin? Are the page will be safe and no one will be admin?

  158. Bernadette Flaim


    this post and your previous one have been very helpful – thanks so much. I do have a question, though — my situation is that I created a business page some years ago, which currently is attached to my personal profile. I am leaving the company and the partnership dissolution agreement states that I must provide “administrative rights” to the page. My question is, if I make my former partner an admin and then delete myself as an admin, does the company page then “attach” itself to her personal page? After the transition, she will not have any access to my personal page in anyway, correct? I don’t have to provide her with any sort of special login directions, do I? Thanks very much for your help.

  159. Ryan

    Hi, what a great site! I am totally lost when it comes to using Facebook. I originally set up my site under my name. I’m an artist and designer and my names is my brand. I set it up thinking it was a business profile but realized that it was my personal profile. I then found out that I could create a page so I did. The thing is that I only ever wanted to use Facebook for to grow my business. I never wanted a personal site as I don’t have time to use it or the social aspect.

    What I want to know is if I create a new business site, say for example ‘cool stuff’ and then I delete my personal site ‘Ryan’, can I then set up ‘Ryan’ as a page of ‘cool stuff’?

    I look forward to getting some advice. Thanks once again for an awesome site!

    Cheers Ryan

    • Therese

      The best way to set up a business account is to first set up a personal profile, then set the business account up when you’re logged into your personal profile. If you don’t want anybody to find your personal profile, just set the privacy settings to the most restrictive, and you shouldn’t have any problem.

  160. Ahmad Bekdash

    Thanks a lot for the info., however I still have a question did the posts and comments added by the first owner (deleted) still exists?

    The posts added by him under the name of the page?

    Thanks a lot ))

    • Therese

      Yes, those comments/posts will remain.

  161. Lynn

    I created a FB business page for a friend. I used my email address, but would like to hand it all over to her now. How can I properly switch ownership to the “real” owner?
    thank you

    • Therese

      Make her an admin for the page, then she can delete you as admin. You could make her an admin, then remove yourself as admin. However, I suggest letting her remove you. This way you’ll be sure she’s able to get into the admin panel.

      • Rita

        How about the ad manager? I need to transfer a page to the real owner, but I don’t want the to have access to my ad manager?

      • Therese

        If you make them a page admin, they’ll just see the page, not your ad manager.

  162. Alice

    Hi there;

    We have a situation where an employee was termintaed and she created the facebook page for our company. I have been able to create one with the company name but they both show up in searches. How do I get the former employee’s page deleted as the owner des not want it. I emailed Facebook thru feedback section and have not heard back.

  163. Alison

    Here’s my deal:
    I created a facebook page without really recognizing that it would be tied to my personal profile. I have other admins so I know if I kill my personal profile, the page still lives on. My question is: I would like to edit it so that the page has it’s own login — completely seperate it from my login. The primary reason for this is the social networking consolidating apps…they always default to my personal-primary page, but I really want to connect to the ‘fan’ page and the ‘fan’ twitter page….Twitter lets me do this six ways from Sunday — but FB is being uncooperative. (My page is a high school sports page— I update scores and such through Twitter and FB and the consolidating apps make it soooo much easier. I know I can have FB post to Twitter – but there isn’t a character limit in FB so my posts often get cut short on the transfer.). Suggestions? Solutions?
    Any suggestions?

    • Therese

      I don’t believe there’s a way to change the login for a page to a page online login. In other words, if a page is set up when logged into a profile, that page will always need at least one profile connected to it for admin purposes. I’m not sure what apps you’re trying to use, but you might want to double check that they’re designed to be used on pages and not just profiles.

  164. erica

    Ok–perhaps someone can help me….

    I created a “page” without attaching it to a profile and instead only to an email. ( i would like to keep my two worlds separate and therefore did not attach it to my personal profile)

    I created a 2nd profile now and would like to use that to manage my page and a few other pages i plan on creating.

    But–I can not seem to find a way to add an admin or owner to the page i created without a profile.

    Does anyone know how to add the new profile i created to the page i already have–as the owner or admin?


    • Therese

      Login to your new page
      Click Manage/Edit Page
      Click Manage Admins (it’s on the left)

      When you’re on the manage admins page you’ll see where you can type a name or email of someone you want to set as an admin. If you type a name, it will only work if that person has already liked your page. If you use the email, be sure to use the email associated with the profile you want to use as admin for the page

  165. Janis

    An organization I work for had created a bunch of chapter personal accounts. When they realized they should have been pages, I helped and converted them into pages. The original personal profile of course initially was the Admin, but logged in as that Admin I added a few new Admins, 1 being under my own personal account. I then removed the original Admin leaving myself and a few others….so far so good. Then due to that original personal account was still lingering as it’s own personal profile, I deleted it. It of course is in that holding pattern for permanent deletion giving the option for so many days to reactivate. We of course have no need for it.

    I wasn’t worried until….another personal account for another chapter I converted to a page. Followed the exact same scenario, but when I chose to delete the original lingering profile the new page disappeared. I reactivated that personal account and it returned. Now I have left that personal account on as an Admin for fear it’ll disappear again. Keep in mind there are 4-5 other Admins assigned now to the page.

    Ok, so my REAL concern is that the first transition that worked as it’s supposed to is at the end of the grace period for reactivating the personal account. I’m so afraid that when it expires the new page (see 1st paragraph) will disappear.

    Conclusion – Facebook is VERY inconsistent and doesn’t even follow it’s own “Help” guidelines.

    Your thoughts?

    • Therese

      Well, like you said, Facebook is VERY inconsistent (and VERY frustrating at times)! I haven’t ever heard of this happening before. I’ve tested the theory with a few pages and never had the page deleted when the original admin was deleted. However, since it did happen to you, what I’d do is keep all those personal accounts open. If you’re not going to use them, lock them down with the security features. And of course, make sure each page has a real admin so FB can see that someone is actively using the pages.

      • Janis

        Well, it’s past the time of the 1st one…whew, it stayed put! I’ll just keep the other and lock it down like you said! It’ll drive me nuts though, seeing something there that really isn’t being used. One of my pet peeves LOL Thanks!

      • Janis

        Have to add – Just logged into the …what use to be a personal account and it comes up as the new PAGE! Yes you read that right. Now get this – it’s not an ADMIN! Bizarre. Now after I view the Admins (5) on the “Page”, I click on the upper right Settings tab and it goes to a personal settings page like is now a Personal account. LOL Yeah, you read that right. I have a feeling that when Facebook transitioned it from Personal to Page it got caught in-between and is a mutant. LOL

  166. Jenny

    I was all new to FB today and with a sole interest for my company to become more visual… so, someone told me I could create a page, instead of a personal profile… So I did. However, without a personal profile I discovered couldnt do much… I was kind of stuck on my page, no new people/companies to find… So, I created a personal profile and to do that I had to create a new e-mail also cause my other one was registered on my page! So, here I am, I have one personal profile and one company page and still I cant use them together! Now, there is a function on the page which says I can delete the page permanently… I wonder, If I do so, can I create a new one with the same name again or is the name forever used even if my page is deleted? Can I in some other way put the page under the wings of my profile?

    Thanks for you kind reply,


    • Therese

      Hi Jenny,

      You can indeed put the page under the wings of your profile, by making your personal profile an admin for the page. Here’s how:

      1. When signed into your personal profile, go to your business page and click the Like button.
      2. Sign out of your personal account.
      3. Sign into your business account.
      4. Click on Manage/Edit page/Manage Admins.
      5. Add yourself (your personal profile) as an admin for the page.
      6. Sign out of your business account.
      7. Sign into your personal account.
      8. Click on Home (upper right).
      9. On the left, you should see the word PAGES with a link to your page under it. Click on that and you can manage your page whenever you’re signed into your personal profile.

      Sometimes there’s a bit of lag time between the time someone likes a page and that page owner can add them as an admin. So, in the list above, you may not be able to go right from #2 to #3. You may have to wait a few minutes.

  167. Tracey

    Hi Theresa

    Firstly, your blog is fantastic and so informative, thanks! 🙂

    Secondly, I am trying to move the page ownership to a different user (myself). I have just followed your suggestion of removing the admin right of the original page owner. However when I logged in using the account I want to now be the owner, it doesn’t let me add new admins. The only way around it is to add the orginial page owner back as an admin, login as them and then it allows me to add new admins 🙁 So it seems you still can’t get rid of the page owner, even if you take away their admin priveleges.

    Any further ideas?

    Thanks again,

    • Tracey

      I take this back, I am now in a really messed up situation. I cannot add admins under my account, and because I removed the original owner of the page from admins they can no longer manage the page, which includes adding admins. So I can now not add anyone else as an admin to the page, which is a huge problem as I am not the one that normally manages it, I wanted someone else to manage it but I removed them from admins as well in the hopes that if only one admin was left (myself), ownership would be transferred to them. This was not the case 🙁

      Please can you help me? Thank you.


      • Tracey

        Wow, so sorry to be posting so much! I just went back into my account and tried one last time to add admins by adding in their email address (something I did before a few times but didn’t work), and now.. it worked!!!! 🙂 So I have managed to add 2 more admins, so 3 of us can now manage the page, and the original page owner is no longer there. Now to pluck up the courage to delete the original page owner’s account :/ Do you think it’s safe to do this, without the chance of my page deleting when their account officially deletes after 14 days?

        That’s my last post for tonight, sorry for the many posts – was posting as I was figuring it all out 🙂


      • Therese

        Great, I’m glad you figured things out. You shouldn’t have any problem if you delete the original page owner’s account. When I first wrote this blog post I did just that and didn’t have any problems. However, just to be safe, what you could do is just leave it active but lock it down with the privacy settings.

  168. AJ

    My web designer removed me as an administrator on my Facebook account and will not give me back access. is there a way to file a complaint, get my admin status back and rectify the situation?

  169. helena guerrero

    I just put up a Facebook page under my Business name Biomagnetism USA, but whenever I post a comment on someone elses page, neither my name or profile picture comes up it looks like an anonymus comment..like is the administrator???why is this happening, how can I change it? i’ve look all over for an aswer, there is none in Facebook…

    • Therese

      I’m a little confused about what’s happening with your posts. If you are using FB as Bomagnetism USA and you post on a page Bomagnetism USA has liked, the post should show up as Bomagnetism USA. If you want to post on another page as YOU (your personal profile) then your name/pic should come up. Are you saying nothing is showing up to indicate who is posting the comment?

  170. Tom Jordan

    Here’s a weird issue. We manage multiple pages for a client. Client has 12 pages with 1 unique admin for each page and 1 master admin who can access all pages. Client did ‘something’. Now when master admin logs in they do not see the notification icons or search box at top of FB page, have limited access to edit pages, and can’t post to all pages at once. They are listed as Admin in right side but clicking on it does not take you to their profile.
    Did they delete their original profile? But if so why can they still log in?

    • Freelee