How to get people to come to your Facebook fan page

If you build it, he will come” – that may apply to baseball fields, but with a Facebook page, you’ll need to do some things to get people to come visit. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Send people an email
If you have a mailing list, send out an email letting them know you’re now on Facebook. Ask them to like your page, but also tell them why they should like it. Do you give free doggie biscuits to all new (4-legged) clients? Are you donating money to a local animal charity for every like? Let people know what’s in it for them if they click the like button.

If you’re just starting out, and don’t have a mailing list for your business, ask your family and friends to like your page. Their friends will see it and may decide it’s interesting enough to like it as well.

Link to it on your website
Make sure your website has a link to your Facebook page. You can use a Facebook icon or a Like Box, (like we have on our PetsitUSA blog) which will show who likes it already – and if they have friends who like it, they’re more likely to like it. And make sure it’s in a place where people will notice it!

Set up a Facebook social ad
Once you determine the demographic you want to reach, set up a social ad on Facebook. You’ll be able to set the ad up so that it only goes to the people you want to see it. Before doing this though, make sure your fan page really rocks! You want them to be compelled to click the ad, but your landing page needs to sell them on clicking the like button.

Add it to your marketing materials
Whether you’re designing new brochures, a print ad, new business cards, a flyer for an event – include the link to your Facebook page. Ideally, if you have more than 25 fans, you will have already set up a custom URL and can share the exact link. Keep in mind, that the easier you can make it for people to get to your page, the more likely they are to go there.


Find us on Facebook:

is much better than this:

Find us on Facebook!”

If you just say “Find us on Facebook” you’re making people work to find you. If you give them the link they don’t have to play a hunting game. And face it, there may be more than one ABC Pet Sitters on Facebook. You want them to find YOU, not someone else with a similar name.

Post interesting content
When you post interesting content, people who find it interesting may share it with their friends. Doing this not only shares the content, but it lets people know who posted it in the first place. If it’s interesting enough, they may check your page out and click the like button so they can get your content first hand.

What are some of the ways you’ve promoted your Facebook page?

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