Facebook Page admins now have 5 different roles of admin, each with different abilities to manage the page. This is huge for Facebook Page owners! In the past, when a page owner set someone as an admin for their page, that person had the exact same rights to the page as the owner. This meant any admin could delete any other admin, which many times resulted in Facebook Pages being hijacked or deleted by disgruntled employees.

That’s all changed. (Yay!!!)

With the new admin settings, only the manager can remove another admin. As the manager, a person can appoint someone else as an admin, allowing that person to only perform certain roles. Here are the five levels of Facebook Page admins, with their respective abilities:

Facebook admins permissions

Each admin still needs to have their own Facebook account in order to  be appointed as an admin.

How to change the roles for your page admins

  • Go to your Facebook Page
  • If you don’t already see the admin panel, click on Admin Panel in the upper right of your Page
  • Once the admin panel is open, click on Edit Page (at the top, under the blue bar)
  • Click on Admin Roles (on the left)
  • After you add a person as admin, you’ll see their role listed under their name. It’s set to manager by default. Click that and select the role from the drop down list.

Keep in mind that anyone set as manager will be able to add/remove any other admin on the page, even the owner.

For more information see Facebook Admin Roles.


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