3 Tips for doing live streaming demos on Periscope


Whether you’re live streaming on Periscope, MeVee, Facebook Live, or another app, live demos are a great way to show your skills or products. However, even though you may know your content backward and forward, if you don’t do a good job of presenting it, you’re probably not going to win anybody over. If, on the other hand, you put a little planning into it, you’ll look polished and professional. People will notice your content rather than a lackluster presentation, and they may begin to view you as the expert on your chosen topic. So, rather than flying by the seat of your pants and hoping you can pull it off, make sure your camera situation is settled before you hit the broadcast button.

Here are three options to consider, when you decide how to manage your camera for live streaming demos.

@SilverPawStudi0 uses 2 devices to do live streaming demos on Periscope

Have someone else manage the camera / phone

When you have someone else holding the camera for you, it frees you up so you can concentrate on what you’re doing. They can keep the camera focused on you and/or whatever it is you’re working on so your viewers get the best vantage point. This person can also read the comments and questions and relay them to you when appropriate.

Dr. Julie Buzby (@DrBuzby) and her daughter have mastered this technique on Periscope.

Intro the topic, then do your demo

If you’re doing a demo that makes it impossible for you to see your screen, let people know what you’re doing. Do your demo in stages. Tell people that you’re going to your demo, or part of it, then come back to the camera to read and answer their comments. If you can have someone serve as a moderator that would be ideal. That person would welcome new viewers and let them know you’ll be back to answer questions in a few minutes. If that’s not possible, simply ask your viewers who are there to let newcomers know. People are normally quite happy to help.

Watch Lara Joseph of Animal Behavior Center (@AnimalBehaviorCenter) on Periscope to see how she does this.

Use 2 devices

If you have two devices, broadcast from one and watch your broadcast on the other. Just login to the second device with your usual login and watch your broadcast like you would any other. Be sure to turn the sound down on your second device! Position the broadcasting camera as needed, and keep the other device with you so you can respond to your viewers.

Monique of Silver Paw Studio (@SilverPawStudi0) does this on her Periscope shows quite often.

Remember: Live streaming means live interaction

The main point here is to remember that when you’re doing a live streaming broadcast, you have live viewers who want, and expect, to interact with you immediately. If you’re not able to do that you’re not likely to be as successful at live streaming as those who have. Take some time to figure out what works best for you, but allows you to respond to your viewers, at least in set intervals.


Please follow me on Periscope for more tips like this, on how to use live streaming in your business.

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1 Comment

  1. Brooke McAvoy

    It is a great idea to have someone else handle the camera. This has always been my issue, especially when I need to use my hands. Using two devices also sounds like a great way to get the filming part just right. I am an artist, but computers and phones are usually beyond my comprehension. I really appreciate your detailed information and ideas for how to get this right.


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