How to stop spam

Anybody with a website knows what a problem spam can be! Trying to keep the spam to a minimum is a constant battle. I’ve tried several plugins but the one I’m using now, CleanTalk*, is doing the job. A developer friend recommended it, so I thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t expect much since I tried so many others that didn’t work very well.

CleanTalk surprised me though, it actually works – and without an annoying captcha!

CleanTalk is an anti-spam plugin for WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. I work with WordPress so I can’t talk about the others. But setting it up in WordPress is super easy. Install the plugin, add the license key, and you’re good to go. It’ll start blocking spam that comes in through your online forms and/or your blog comments. If you want to be specific with the comments/email you want to disallow, you can block certain countries, words, IP addresses and more.

They claim to offer “100% protection against spam bots” and so far I’m seeing this to be the case. When you pay for an account, you’ll be able to login to a dashboard on CleanTalk and review all the spam that’s been blocked. If a post/message isn’t spam, you can mark it as not spam. So far though, I haven’t had to do this. Everything it’s marked as spam has indeed been spam.

Although CleanTalk isn’t a free plugin, but you can get a free 7 day free trial. After that the cost starts at $8/year, with an upgrade available that allows you to see statistics for up to 45 days. That 8 bucks a year, and even the upgrade, is well worth it!

I’m recommending CleanTalk* to all my web design clients. It saves us both a lot of headaches!

*Affiliate link.

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