Facebook playlists, on business pages, are a good way to organize your videos by topic. (Here are my Facebook Playlists) You can set up a separate playlist for various topics, which makes it easier for visitors to find the videos they’re interested in. Remember, anything you can do to make finding content easier for people is super important!

It used to be that you could share a link to the page with all of your playlists. But they finally added a way to share a link to each playlist. This can come in handy if you want to share videos on a particular topic.

Just recently, Facebook changed how to manage playlists (at least for some of us!). In this video I’ll show you how to add or remove videos to your playlist.

Playlists can be used to organize Facebook Live videos as well as videos that you upload to your business page.

How to add videos to a Facebook Playlist

Video playlists, on business pages, are a good way to organize your videos by topic. It makes it easier for visitors to find the videos they're interested in.Plus, they finally added a link for each playlist – something I've been hoping for!Just recently, Facebook changed how to manage playlists (at least for some of us!), but here's how to do it. Are you using playlists?

Posted by Therese Kopiwoda – The Social Media Hound on Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Your Turn!

How are you using Facebook Playlists? Are you sharing them to other social media platforms or to your email list?

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