Does social media equal anti-social?

As I was at the grocery store the other day, a young woman in front of me was busy texting as she slowly put her items up on the counter. The girl behind the register worked as quickly as she could given her customer’s unwillingness to put the cell phone away...

Your very own blog: a bright idea!

I have a great analogy that I use to explain to people why they should set up their new blog on their own domain. Most of the people I’m talking about already have a website for their business, or are in the process of creating one, but also want a blog to go...

Google Voice invitations on the way

People who signed up for Google Voice are starting to receive invitations to set up their new accounts. Google Voice allows users to have one phone number that can be re-routed to ring at any number of other phones. There are a number of ways it can be set up. For...